AVID and BETA editor, 2d-3d animator, DJ/ cafe1001and occasionally elsewherez in the UK, also distributin some LPz every now and thenMy major interests are nuskool breakz,electronica, downtempo, hip-hop, dubFavourite artists: Dan F, Splitloop, Backdraft, Soto, Lostep, Taishan, Introspective, Influenza, Kraymon, Deekline, AMB, Evil9, D:Facto,DEF inc., Fretwell, DamienHeck, Plump djs, Trafik, Joel Armstrong, Shiloh, Will Saul, Jinx, Groove diggerz, Dreadzone, Ctrl Z, Screwface, Autobots, Soul of man, Brothers bud, Sasha, Vandal, Aquasky, R.kidz and Noize Way out west, Banco de gaia, Beber, C83, Venetian Snares, Autechre and so on. And hip hop, electronica, ambient, dub. What's the point in listing them?(shitloads of classical music, but that's not the concern of this page)
If you feel like you're the only one there. Easy goin' DJs. Spare me your automated messages and comments.
Music and electronics are my interest.
Andrei Tarkovsky, Luis Bunuel, TerryGilliam: Brasil S.Kubrick: Dr. Strangelove, and others Coppola:Apocalypse now, Deer hunter, H.E.A.T., L.A. Confidential, Monthy pythons Flying crc. Luc Besson And the list would go on till eternity. Ghost in the Shell SAO, 2nd GIG, cownoy beebop, devil may cry, appleseed, and so on.
Futurama, simpsons, American dad and stand-up comedy wherever it occurs and if it's good (Ross Noble, Bill Hicks, etc.)
Isaac Asimov Stanislav Lem Historical books Russian classics ... .......
Madhatter from Alice in wonderland Zorg from the fifth element (Gary Oldman) The king of New York (Christopher Walken), Brill ( Gene Hackman), Creator of the cartoon Simpsons (Matt Groening), Groundskeeper Willy, professor HUBERT J. FARNSWORTH, and therefore the man behind the sounds as well (Billy West)