Miss A!!!, Schnapsss, Wein und Bier von Fass, Hochspannungsleitungen, flexung und lasertechnik,
Miss A!!, Karl Lagerfeld, Maximillian Reimenschneider, Gott in Himmel, Tom Selleck, Roger E. Mosley, John Hillerman, Thunderstrom, Thor, Odin,
Ludwig van B, Schubert, Wagner, Strauss, Blood for Blood, Nasum, Royal Crown Revue, Goldie and Grant, Murder City Devils, Integrity, Corries, Charles Lloyd und all sorts of slightly more interesting than average hardcore-classical-techno-jazz-funk. Any disagreement will be treated as violation of his magistratic highness' autocracy and will be ignored. love
SAT1, PRO7, BBC Scotland, I have no telly by sie way, I go to my local pub if there is rugby on.
THE APPRECIATION OF MALT WHISKY, Michael Ende, Tolkien, George Gottenhaben.
Burns, Karl, Dickie Paterson, Paul Kaye, My Father Ancestors, Gorn