+++The Poem Is You befinden sich momentan wieder im AUFNAHMEZUSTAND. Wir haben exklusives Bildmaterial, was wir unseren verehrten Freunden natürlich vorenthalten wollen.+++We have the honour and joy to announce to you that our first single "The Ballad Of Old Harold II" is out now! This single includes a brand new song! Order it for 5€! It's a vinyl!
AND: our album "The Promised South" will be out on KF Records shortly. In stores! ...we already have it, however.
Our 2007 debut CD "...The Earth Shall Weep" and the EP "South By Southwest" can be ordered via email!!!
We offer you 10, respectively 5 tracks we literally put our hearts and schizophrenia into - for as little as 8€ (album) or 12€ (album + EP) within germany, 15€ worldwide (including postage).
All you have to do is send an e-mail with your name, adress and the desired number of copies to [email protected] .
You will receive a confirmation e-mail with the accounting connection of ours. The CD will ship upon the receipt of payment, including a dedication and a fork.
Unsere 2007er Debüt-CD "...The Earth Shall Weep" und die EP "South By Southwest" können ab jetzt per E-mail bestellt werden. Die (Un)Kosten für die CDs plus Porto belaufen sich auf 8€ (Album), beziehungsweise 12 (Album + EP) innerhalb und 15€ ausserhalb Deutschlands.
Bitte einfach eine E-mail mit Name, Adresse und geforderte Anzahl CDs an [email protected] .
Zurück kommt eine Bestätigungs-Mail mit Bankverbindung. Unmittelbar nach Eingang des Geldes verschicken wir das Produkt. DANKE FÜR DIE UNTERSTÜTZUNG! The Poem Is You.
TPIY performing "The Ballad Of Old Harold II" at Naschmarkt in Vienna. Courtesy of Martina und Inés!!! link available soon!
The Poem Is You_The Ballad of Old Harold PtII from playgrrround4 on Vimeo .
The Poem Is You_Southern Child pt ll from playgrrround3 on Vimeo .
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