david-theo profile picture


That old Chestnut.....

About Me

erm... Booze(dosn't everyone), skateboard's, everyone i love...Spending time with certain people(you all know who you are)...David dickenson, sex, drugs, punk, drums...my new love...Music that is good, the internet, anything by david lynch, waking up sober....Driving, roadrage(i fuckin love it)... the name ROGER, the rain, showponys, manchester, ketchup, being DR..B, goodbeds...SCRUMP, live jazz and rubix cubes...erm.... Shit people who think there good for knowing somebody who's "COOL",SCENESTERS, Boddintons, working for eva, having no free time, paying fuckin tax, taxmen, PEOPLE who STARE...Marmalade, myself sometimes, jealous people and being jealous... Not being happy, when someone says that i look like someone really pisses me off.. not being able to spend enough time with certain people, wasps, TIM HENMAN with a passion, football, spiders and southern comfort, shit art and fucking fruit machines, everything else is good.. AND THE WORDS URBAN and CHIC.... minter

My Interests


Andy Parkin.

My Blog

My email address is wrong

My email address is [email protected], not [email protected], get it right you punks.
Posted by david-theo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST