Member Since: 2/28/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: ,mc sniper,jay jay b,xbass,aka,mrkingting , jaw ,,,s
Influences: goildie,crag warmer matt johnson dj zinc,ganja records ,easy recordings v records byran g jumping jack frost fabio,grooverider ,4 hero,pascal,stu alan,,hip hop eaily house music when it was house and wat happened to bizzy b and tdk and yea reinforced records and dj randell, technics 1210,my son, and lifes its sleff and any form of music and ok ,and aclips as rub off on me abit
Sounds Like: freessh new sounds for 2008 , blue ganja ----COMEING SOON--- STILL BEENING PUT TOGETHER-----MENT TO BE ON DOWNLOAD FOR DEC 2007 NOT COMPLETE----------------------------------------------------
///////////mixed and produced by xbass c,omeing SOON
Record Label: kingting records
Type of Label: None