bitte, baby, bitte... profile picture

bitte, baby, bitte...

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

explanation is beside the point.

My Interests

The Lake Show. Mad Tennis. My chops. My riffs. Nikki's pin. Pugs. Text Twist. Learning chess. Listening to simon and garfunkel whenever i'm on the nj turnpike. welsh.

I'd like to meet:

It is the strict adherence to daily routine that tends towards the maintenance of good morale and the preservation of sanity.




children of men...pan's labyrinth is awesome...the departed is great. on our day off we had movie night on the tour bus. microwave popcorn and all...son of rambow. hammer and tongs rule...300...grindhouse(deathproof more so than planet terror)...the US vs john lennon...the proposition...peter jackson films...jean-pierre jeunet...alfonso cuaron...wes anderson...and more more more


i travel. therefore i watch tv via dvd. a lot. Battlestar Galactica. The Office british. The Office american. Arrested Development. Extras. Six Feet Under. Deadwood. Things on The Discovery Channel. Things on the sci fi channel. and so on. and so on.


The Last Season by PJ(saddest book ever). Short stories about the Glass family. Crayon's Everywhere by Suzie Vlcek. Dracula. The Power of Myth. Potter books. The Show. the lovely bones. oryx and crake. northern lights.


People who want to be shot out of a canon when they die...cousin david...elle(no pressure)...animals that fight back...0.4 seconds...jameson on the rocks...

My Blog

goddamn shoes

yesterday at live 105's BFD festival, someone threw a shoe at me. twice.  what's up with that? other than that, it was a really fun show.
Posted by bitte, baby, bitte... on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 05:38:00 PST

i miss amber

i miss amber.  i shipped her away to the UK so i won't see her again til mid may.  she's going to live there for good, and even though i'm the one that told her to go, i'm not quite sure if ...
Posted by bitte, baby, bitte... on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 03:05:00 PST

highlights of our winter tour

Sharing stages with the likes of Wolfmother, Modest Mouse, The Shins, The Raconteurs, Dead Meadow, Pete Yorn, Simon Dawes, The Killers...shaking David Letterman's hand...not spinning the van and trai...
Posted by bitte, baby, bitte... on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 10:05:00 PST

what do i know, i'm just the drummer...

Posted by bitte, baby, bitte... on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 08:00:00 PST

sleeping to the pacific only to wake with the atlantic.

our itinerary booklet is completed.  each date has passed, each hotel slept in, each venue visited.  in three and a half weeks, 4 airplane rides later and who knows how many miles drive...
Posted by bitte, baby, bitte... on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 10:11:00 PST

south by south exhaustion

All the way round, i retired to my cozy silverlake apartment, beaten and bruised and working on a couple hours of sleep.  5 SXSW shows in 3 days proved to kick my ass.  The flow of vodk...
Posted by bitte, baby, bitte... on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 02:57:00 PST

Timber. I'm done with the chops...

I finished the drum tracks for the sspu record.  It's out of my hands now, kids.
Posted by bitte, baby, bitte... on Wed, 04 Jan 2006 02:50:00 PST

...with a passion

I really fucking hate Carl's Jr. commercials...
Posted by bitte, baby, bitte... on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 01:11:00 PST

baby dude.

I miss sammy.
Posted by bitte, baby, bitte... on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 11:22:00 PST

boredom mending

Yesterday I brought my guitar over to Sammy's apartment.  Finally i can work on my concept album about pugs.
Posted by bitte, baby, bitte... on Tue, 23 Aug 2005 12:21:00 PST