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About Me

You don't know me,but I was at the shoe last night.Told the band that the drummer was excellent.I mean he was tight.They all did a exceptional job.I wanted to draw a picture of something,but couldn't get it goin.I?rode my stupid bycyle atleast?three miles uphill?and ended up at a all night White Castle,a burger joint way out in the sticks.Lance Armstrong I am not.Something about her thin muscular legs got miy atention.I was thinking this ain't no anerexic chic ---?she's just built thin.anyway I tried to draw her legs.(I went to art school--okay.)I couldn't get it right.Iwas worn out from the ride and it was late.So somehow I started to deal with the two lines that were supposed to be the line from the top of her calves to the ankles as negative space.Then I switched to the skirt line and ended up with a mushroom.I put a moon behind it and darrkened the background and put some grass in the forground.You may be asking yourself why is he writing me and telling me this.Atlleast that's?the question Ithink you are asking yourself.Maybe it me just questioning myself about what I think-----you think.Anyway I really liked her red shoes wish I knew her name,so I woudn't call her a chic,cause that may be degrading?for her.

My Interests

the french revolution. giraffes. tacos delta.

I'd like to meet:

Tiran Porter. ian brown.


damion romero. justin. john coltrane. devin sarno. sonic youth.


princess bride. uncle buck. rushmore.


Mojo. The New York Times. National Geographic. Roman by Polanski. The Fountainhead.


jean, ric, joanie & hilmar, Dr. Albert Boime. Albert Ayler. Jaki Liebezeit. Malcolm Young. Carol Kaye. Minnie Ripperton. Paul Klee. Autumn DeWilde. Marcos Lopez.

My Blog

Douglas Lee Pikul Kratz

I miss Doug. Today more than ever.
Posted by nikki on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST