Nikki profile picture


You don't know whether to scream like James Brown or Om like Dalai Lama...

About Me

I am a short lady from a city that smells like beer and cheese and forgotten industry. I like to make puppet shows, videos, poems and friends. I do not like to make my bed. Sometimes I act. On rare occasions I sing. I've recently picked up a guitar and every day it teaches me humility. I believe in the power of community and the necessity of self-education. I dig spaces that empower people (especially youth) to make theatre and to revolt.

My friends are my family.

There are more connections I value deeply than can be rightly honored in some oddball Top 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, enjoy some organizations and beings that I support fully.

Also, there are two of me .

My Interests

porkchops, peace

I'd like to meet:

- Huey Freeman at age 25 and single.

- Queer-friendly folks, please. Especially if you find MySpace orientation choices a bit um, limiting.

- The kind. The thoughtful. The intelligent. The emotionally available.
You know, the four horsepersons of the apocalypse.

- MySpace Tom. I would like to ask for my life back.


CocoRosie, PJ Harvey, Andrew Bird, Def Harmonic, Cynthia Hopkins, Dead Prez, Sleater-Kinney, Joni, D'Angelo, Kill the Vultures, Cat Power, P.O.S., Andrew Lynch, Elliott Smith, Sarah Woolever, The Gossip, E. Badu, Lunaversol9, Wody Mumbles, The Free Design, John Zorn, Joanna Newsom, Stevie Wonder, Metric, The Decemberists, Devendra Banhardt, Vetiver, Coach Said Not To, Regina Spektor, Jaymay, The Marina, TV on the Radio


Donnie Darko, A Clockwork Orange


The Lawrence Welk Show


Koolaids: The Art of War, Hamletmachine, The America Play, Death of a Salesman


bell hooks, Alfredo Jaar, Chase Korte and who could forget my special little man:

adopt your own virtual pet!

My Blog

For Chase.

Sunlight warms the edge of another bitter winter morning:dreams back to summer - a warm night and bottle of red,a peaceful walk and talk with an old friendlost and foundand lost again.Someone else's ...
Posted by Nikki on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 08:58:00 PST

Take me. I am a quiz now.

Create your own Friend Quiz hereWhile the quiz itself is certainly trivial, I was really intrigued. It made me wonder a couple of things.What do I think people should know about my life? How much of m...
Posted by Nikki on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 03:09:00 PST

Home again.

Trudging from my apartment this morning, heavy with lack of sleep from the night before - my fantastic weekend in Chicago fizzled into a seven-turned-eleven hour bus ride when we broke down outside of...
Posted by Nikki on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 07:31:00 PST

docile bodies (new song)

used match on the table candle: still burning bright [ly] empty glass(table) words don't come outright ... and there's a chance you'll run....
Posted by Nikki on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 02:03:00 PST

Dress my Zwinky?

What in the hell? No really. Too far. Zwinky is too far.
Posted by Nikki on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 09:55:00 PST

On violation.

Things are pretty slow. Typically I prefer this for a Monday but today the morning is a dull throbbing beneath my eyelids. I want to go home, but I am unable to move. It's kind of all I can do to j...
Posted by Nikki on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 09:15:00 PST

On departed friends, art's completion, and the omnipresent cycle of renewal

I don't know the meaning of good-bye in a world full of ghostsso instead of good-bye I will raise my glass in a toastnot to where I've been, but to where I'm going maybe in the desert, maybe in th...
Posted by Nikki on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 11:28:00 PST

it's getting hot in here.

You scored as Dante Alighieri. According to you most of humanity will spend at least some of their afterlife in hell. You have a high likelihood of being exiled, but anyone as bloody fucking romanti...
Posted by Nikki on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 10:59:00 PST

Someone(s) else's words will do.

love is a place love is a place& through this place oflove move(with brightness of peace)all placesyes is a world& in this world ofyes live(skilfully curled)all worldsee cummingsYour pain is...
Posted by Nikki on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 02:55:00 PST

Sputters, leaks and yet still runs.

I am a car of sorts.
Posted by Nikki on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 09:16:00 PST