Member Since: 2/27/2006
Influences: My influences are my mother, thats where my strength comes from. My father, thats why I'm used to having long breaks without having any type of communication for a while. My 7th grade english teacher who introduced Poetry to me and made me write my first poem for homework. Our history definitely has an influence on how I am now because if you think about it, everything we are doing right now has been done already.I just leave you all with this, with out poetry being in my life, I don't know where I would be. The world infuluences me everyday, from listening to the radio, watching crooked things go on by the Police officers and from noticing how racism still exists. I see it because I dont wear Niggar Glasses, my shades are off. Hopefully you too will take yours off and realize that you will continue to be a slave if don't see whats in front of you.
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