This is my solothing! (Sure!)
I've always played in bands but while bandmates are making babies and milking cows I have to do something else but waiting around rolling the thumbs.
And if I play solo I'll get all the cash!
And then I can practice my haunted english at MySpace whenever I wan't to!
But the songs will be in swedish or mabye not. Muähähä! I will upload songs soon!
(That was spring 2006)
In December 2006 I still haven't recorded anything in the glorious name of Falköga! But I have played a lot live with De Märkvärdiga (me & 52 Billy ) and Sfwarta Hwisor (me & Linda Anthonisen ).
And in October 2007 nothing has happened except a handful of gigs with Bullegrims and another handful of sweet gigs with De Märkvärdiga. But! I see a light because I've bought Hasses Mic and preamp so some fecked up recording should enter this joint before christmas!
Nä jag hann inte spela in nåt innan jul!
I'm also in: