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Shakespeare, C.S. Lewis, Stanley Kubrick, Frank Sinatra, Audrey Hepburn,Luis Bunuel,Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez, Frida Kahlo,Fernando Botero, Coco Chanel
The Third Man, Lolita, Who's afraid of Virginia Wolf, Auntie Mame, The Shining, Francis, The Children's Hour, Breakfast at Tiffanys, The Skeleton Key, Dumb and Dumber :), Scary Movie 3, Any Kubrick Film, Any Eastwood Film, Any Luis Bunuel Film.
Project Runway, A&E, City Confidential, BBC
One Hundred Years Of Solitude, Madame Bovary, East Of Eden, The Spear of Destiny, Wuthering Heights,The Bible, Any play especially Shakespeare. .. ..