HulaBoy profile picture


Da Da Da Da Dah... I'm Fucking Lovin' It

About Me

Contact Tables I look forward to the weekends the way Dougherty looks forward to whacking up a groupie with horse...So, what to say. I'm quite a humerous person & try to see the good in most situations, although a certain degree of cynicism is never a bad thing! I'm sarcastic & funny & extremely lively & have been told that i'm quite addictive to be around. I have loads of charm & carisma too. I have strong opinions on most things & seem to have an uncanny knack of absorbing useless information, which some might say is general knowledge. I LOVE partying & having a good time & seeing my friends. My interests are pretty varied but to put them in a nutshell they include girls, sex, art, drawing, sex, girls graffiti art, girls, DJing, sex, & films etc. Although i have a very eclectic taste in music (see opposite) i have a leaning toward quality dance music, mainly breaks, beats, electronica, deep house & tribal. Really getting into Brazilian beats & stuff too lately. Favorite clubs have to be Fabric & DC10 in Ibiza. Yeee Haaaa... I really enjoy getting up to all sorts of mischief with my mates, & doing funny, stupid things & generally entertaining ourselves, which in turn makes other people smile too, which is nice. I'm quite into style, but i don't mean in a fashion victim way. Think girls with tats are hot & admire anyone who has there own kinda individual look & can pull it off with that air of 'don't give a fuck'. Gwen Steffani is uber cool. Hmmm... All i can think of to write right now, but i'll add more as & when. Thanky.

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My Interests

Djing, Music, Art, Drawing, Graffiti, Skateboarding, Partying, Surfing, Comics, Manga, Writing, Reading, Films, Martial Arts, Public Pissing. img src=" yspace-graphics-animations18.gif"

I'd like to meet:

The Dalai Lamah, Liam Gallagher, Kelly Brook, The Beastie Boys, Tom Jones, James Brown, Michael Palin, Ray Mears, George Lucas, Chris Crudelli, Michael Gambon, Jeremy Clarkson, Chris Morris, Steve Coogan, Gerald Scarfe, Banksy, Chuck.D & Flavor Flave, Pink, Ron Jeremy, Jenna Jameson, Jonathan Ross, Armando Ianucci


Far, far too much to mention here, but here are a few favorites...

powered by a


Amelie...Sexy Beast...Goodfellas...It's a Wonderful Life...Leon...Close Encounters...Mean Streets...The City Of Lost Children...Spiderman...La Haine...Shawshank Redemption...Star Wars...Planet of the Apes...The Godfather...Apocalypse Now...Full Metal Jacket...North by Northwest...Sexy Beast...Battle Royale...Akira...Bowling for Columbine...Howels Flying Castle...Gundam...Taxi Driver...Adaptation...Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind...Man in the Moon...Crash...Raging Bull img src=" 00150.jpg"


Nathan Barley, Brass Eye, The Day Today, Alan Partridge, Secret Rulers of The World, The O.C, Lost, Cutting Edge, Crank Yankers, GBH, Our Friends in The North, Ideal, Top Buzzer, Mind Body & Kick Ass Miracles, Shameless, Time Trumpet, The Armando Ianucci Show's, Charlie Brookers TV Wipe, Borat, Jeeves & Wooster, Futerama, The Thick Of It, Fraggle Rock, The Muppets img src=" yspace-graphics-animations09.gif"


No One Here Gets Out Alive, The Necronomicon (HR Giger), Appleseed, The Beach, The Tessercat, The Jigsaw Man, Picking up The Pieces, The Godfather, Banksy's Stencilism, Charlie Brookers Screen Burn, Labrynth, The Davinci Code, The Highest Tide, The Conjurers Bird img src=" ICTURECODES/MYSPACE-ICONS/i51799444_71641.gif"


Jimi Hendrix, Oliver Reed, Keith Moon, Jim Morrison, Steve McQueen, Robert DeNiro, Stanley Kubrick, Noel & Liam Gallagher, Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Johnny Cash, Jim Henson Banksy, Mum & Dad img src=""

My Blog

Claims Direct.

Ive just been out to empty the bin when i heard a funny grunting noise coming from the other side of the fence that seperates my house from the neighbours. Intrigued, and thinking i might stumble upon...
Posted by HulaBoy on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 09:09:00 PST

Christ. And all his Apostles.

Just minding my own business, hanging about the local park, as you do, watching a couple of pidgeons mucking about with some squirrels, when who do i see come wandering down the path but that bloody R...
Posted by HulaBoy on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 03:29:00 PST

An obituary.

Az has decided to take a sabatical from myspace for a while. He was a good man, a happy man & a free spirit who enjoyed not wearing underwear & occasionally dipping it in the bags of grapes in...
Posted by HulaBoy on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 04:10:00 PST

Big Fun Party Bus!

Whilst bored this weekend me & my good friend Azza Malpah came up with a fantastic idea/oppertunity.Sitting with a pint of 'Crag Rat' (a fantastic real ale with a lot of body is how Azza described...
Posted by HulaBoy on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 04:27:00 PST

My new hobby!

Hmmm... When i'm bored i like to indulge my passion for needlecraft. Yes, there's nothing quite like the thrill of finishing a difficult crosstitch section or the excitement of changing thread... Actu...
Posted by HulaBoy on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 11:51:00 PST


Honestly, THE best eaterie i have EVER had the pleasure of eating at in my LIFE! Aside from Seafish Mama. Or Turkish Delight.Anyway, my good friend Azza has finally taken the plunge & opened his o...
Posted by HulaBoy on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 10:50:00 PST

All piss & wind...

It has recently come to my attention that women seem to get a raw deal when it comes to the type of watery defecation in public that men have enjoyed for centurys. I am, of course, refering to pissing...
Posted by HulaBoy on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 12:08:00 PST

So Good Soya Saved MY (Sex) Life Shocker!!

It has been scientifically proven that drinking So Good increases the sex drive of men! I myself have taken the So Good challenge & it's true... After having the libido of a sex starved chimpanzee...
Posted by HulaBoy on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:50:00 PST