hi world & outerspace - it's me - a little psychotic - neurotic, damm sexy + a bit poisen///MY MOTTOS OF THE MONTHjanuary : spread love - 'cause the world's a distaster //february: if you can't move foreward - move around the corner //march: the world 's my playground (secret message: hurry up I'm horny) //april: never say never - it's better //mai: geniously insane = loving upsidedown and insideout //june: keep sunshine in ya heart & smile a while //july: LOVELY HOLIDAY - being beachy !! //august-september: beeing lazy as and hanging out //october: lovely autum - foggy days with cousy gettaways //november: finally my little prince will arrive //december: all I want is sleep !!!! ///////////////january: good karma for good new year