art, adventure, music, synthesizerz, hippies, scientists, artists, analogists, sudoku, video art, vegetarianism, biodiesel, independent media, The health of the environment, bikes, yoga, fabric, biology, shoes, film scores, owls, geothermics, cats-some dogs, exploring
critters, craters, crumpers, creators
gogol bordello is boyfriend. he beat up bastard gypsies who stole my amulet
Gypsy, Gypsy Caravan, Gypsy Blood, King of Gypsies, Gypsy: A Musical, An Andalusian Journey: Gypsies and Flamenco
i only watch "films"
The Glass Castle, Women Who Run With the Wolves, No One Belongs Here More Than You-Short stories by Miranda July, Dharma Bums, White Oleander, The Collected Stories of Collette, One World
My Grandma