Apples profile picture


organized chaos

About Me

i am gypsy

My Interests

art, adventure, music, synthesizerz, hippies, scientists, artists, analogists, sudoku, video art, vegetarianism, biodiesel, independent media, The health of the environment, bikes, yoga, fabric, biology, shoes, film scores, owls, geothermics, cats-some dogs, exploring

I'd like to meet:

critters, craters, crumpers, creators


gogol bordello is boyfriend. he beat up bastard gypsies who stole my amulet


Gypsy, Gypsy Caravan, Gypsy Blood, King of Gypsies, Gypsy: A Musical, An Andalusian Journey: Gypsies and Flamenco


i only watch "films"


The Glass Castle, Women Who Run With the Wolves, No One Belongs Here More Than You-Short stories by Miranda July, Dharma Bums, White Oleander, The Collected Stories of Collette, One World


My Grandma

My Blog

end of the world as we know it

i dreamt i was really into soccer last night. i was kicking the ball on the grass, with other people too, who might have been my team but not sure. we had no spectators and i think i was worried about...
Posted by Apples on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 02:27:00 PST

i could just be

the very first girl to skateboard in heels, do a mini manual to hip hop jams, in a parking garage, whilst in west hollywood.REPRESENT!~!!!!
Posted by Apples on Sun, 28 May 2006 10:17:00 PST

smoke ice fog glamour

here less than a week and i've allready seen carnie phillips (from Wilson Phillips) nipples. up close and personal baby. i helped with the "you might need some nipple stickers" decision AND convince...
Posted by Apples on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 06:33:00 PST

where is that LOON coming from!?

im back in the az for a couple weeks, out in the desert north a bit with a horse and 2 goats: billy and goat. its so great to be back, and it smells so wonderful!!!! i love orange blossoms and i ...
Posted by Apples on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 02:39:00 PST


i love how fast time flies when you're not in school. one day i'll wake up and say lordy lordy i cant believe im 40 and i'll have white hair by then and all the people will stop regarding me with inte...
Posted by Apples on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 01:09:00 PST

they wont win!

phlembots have barricaded all corridors and are now running rampant throughout my resperitory system! i have the flu and bronchitis...
Posted by Apples on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 08:15:00 PST

In the beginning, GOD created everything

sometimes, we sit around and colour in colouring books..... "I can't understand all the big words in the Bible, "said Hoppy. "Nevermind," said Happy, "They sound nice anyway"---Hoppy and Happy's B...
Posted by Apples on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 09:42:00 PST

french smut

picking up: the what-you-need-to-know about french promiscuity, a screenplaylover 1:Quoi de neuf? (Whats up?)lover 2: He (Yo)lover 1:Je vous offre un verre? (Can I buy you a drink?)T'es trop sexy, vou...
Posted by Apples on Sat, 21 Jan 2006 12:27:00 PST

homemade jam

victor, my quebecois roommate, is supported in his art endeavors in many ways. the kosher jewish boulangerie down the street supports him by giving bags of croissants, rolls, sweet croissants, etc. ev...
Posted by Apples on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 10:51:00 PST

the nerve

what kind of sicko makes bubble bath that doesn't bubble? half the fucking bottle, and nothing! motherfuckrs. yea im redheaded, so fucking what?
Posted by Apples on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 02:43:00 PST