About Me:
.:News Flash:.
March Photo Shoot CANCELEDAbout Styx Photography (SP)
My real name is Nicholas I call myself Styx. I'm 24yr old born black man. Spent a little of my child hood in Kingston, Jamaica. Little after I moved to the U.S. where now I'm spending my life trying still to find my place in this concrete jugle. My main intrest in photography is abstract, fashion, and any images that carry a strong message, emotion, feeling, look, or even thought to it's viewer. At the current moment i'm not doing any TFP photo shoots unless you can bring a huge benifit to my company. Face it if you want something your way PAY for it. Only if your seriously considering building your portfolio or hiring me as your photographer first view my blog "Prices & Rates" or "Model/Modeling Agency Terms & Agreements". After reading the blogs contact me after so we can discuss furthure plans.Requirments:
18 Years Old or Older
Full Name (First & Last)
Phone Number (Cell or Home)
Website Link (Myspace, Model Mayhem, Etc...)
Picture (Yourself)
E-Mail Address
Mon-Fri (After 5:00PM)
Sat-Sun (8:00AM - 8:00PM)
My Contact:
Styx Photography (SP)
Styx CEO/Photographer
[email protected]
Model Mayhme