The origin of The Douglass Brothers can be traced back to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the winter of 2004. That is when Chris Kudrick and Bob Hartle paid a visit to a night shift grocery store produce manager named Steve Whooler. At this point Whooler was somewhat of an underground cult hero known simply as “master shredder.†Whether it was because of his guitar-playing prowess or his love of everything Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is still unknown to this day.
TDB grew into its current form with the acquisition of George “Georgey†Yovetich on the skins. Although comparisons have ranged the whole way from The Stooges to Interpol, The Douglass Brothers produce a truly unique sound. Their debut album, Still in the Basement, was released November 3rd 2006 on Hartle's own Grandpa Douglass Records.
TDB’s biggest break yet came when Whooler was switched to the daytime shift, allowing the band to spend nights and weekends however they please. No one can predict the future, but if the past is any indication TDB will not live up to their own expectations…Good thing no one can predict the future.