I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
I'm not into organized religion. I find the conservative mind is a nonenlightened vision of the world. They only see what they want to see and judge everything else as evil. I live in the here and now, my reality is today not something that supposedly happened 2000 + years ago. I see people suffering today and couldn't care less about what some antiquated faith stood for. My music is a reflection of my life experiences. Everything from the homelessness I faced because of religious conservatism, and how conservative religious groups have influenced government to create a system that allows not all the citizens the same rights.
The band has a very gothic look with an androgenous flare. I love things theatrical and like the audience to be visually as well as orally entertained.
I'm passionate for what the music stands for. It's for the people who dare to be an individual and not follow the same mold. People who the "norms" call crazy or freaks are people to me who have the greatest creative minds. Not bogged down by antiquated views and antiquated ideologies.