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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I play in musical projects on various instruments with various degrees of sucess.currently playing in:The Nautilus- drums, vocals Raum: Bass, Vocals Widower-Guitar, vocals CZAR- Guitar, Vocals Recovery Period -Bass, Vocals Old Woman With No Teeth- guitar, bass, drums, vocals 54R- all music ( bass, guitar, drums)projects underway or dead: The Black South, Spartan, Saiha, Krigsorg's, Pecker Parade, Seppuku, The Awesome.Oh I do a bunch of other things that aren't music related that are usually with my one true love of my life, but who really has time to list all of those activities?I also paint and have some for sale. I also do custom work. I'm cheap and I don't care what it is you want painted. Just email me.

My Interests

Playing music. Mainly that. and a bunch of other shit. Painting, watching movies, reading whatever happens to peak my interest at the time, eating Funyuns and consuming ICEEs. If you don't know the difference between an Icee and a slushee I'll be more than happy to educate you in the two.

I'd like to meet:

Actually I have pretty much everyone I feel like knowing. I am a prick and I hate people. Most likely I don't want to know you.


Well I used to have a link to cd-tracker with all my list of cds in it. So now it's just better to look at my comments or through my friends. I'm listing all the fucking shit I listen to here.


Fight Club, King Arthur, Excaliber, Hard Boiled, the Killer, Momento, Starship Troopers, Robocop, Dawn of the Dead, The Goonies, Into the Mouth of Madness, PI, Braveheart, Gladiator, Troy, LOTR trilogy, The Thirteenth Warrior, Death Race 2000, The Warriors, Rollerball (orignial), American Psycho, Izo, No Sympathy for Mr. Vengence, Oldboy, Lady Vengence, Calvaire, Ichi the Killer, 300. There will be blood


I rarely watch tv but if I do it is usually something on the History Channel, Discovery, or some decorating horseshit program. All the tattoo shit.


Spartacus, How I Became Stupid, Clockwork Orange, Choke, various books on war

My Blog


I got down to the shed later than I expected...1130 instead of 9. But I was still able to accomplish alot. I had to sit and tab another 5 songs so I can have plenty of things to work with when I actua...
Posted by SLK on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 07:43:00 PST

So this weekend has started

And it's without my fu. I'm sadden that she isn't here for us to spend time together. But i am glad to be able to get a lot of recording accomplished. After working a full day and then going to the gy...
Posted by SLK on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 09:29:00 PST


I've accomplished more in the last 2 days than I have for the first 3 weeks in recording shit. I'm quite happy that my axis feel to pieces. I didn't think going back to my old as fucking Iron Cobras w...
Posted by SLK on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 07:22:00 PST


Guess what I did yesterday? I picked up sticks all day. That's a shocker I bet. and then after that.... I burnt them. Actually I haven't done that in quite some while so it actually a bit of a shocker...
Posted by SLK on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 07:01:00 PST

No the rest of the Honeymoon Blogs....

I have to go find the notebook I put all my notes in and start from there. It won't take much... Anyways.. I did this just to say that I have been painting again. and painting alot...and actually sell...
Posted by SLK on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 04:16:00 PST

Dear blog,

I haven't written you in a long time, but this disturbing circumstance has driven me to pick up the keyboard once again. This event that occured was just a mere 5 minutes ago. I just returned from the...
Posted by SLK on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 08:12:00 PST

Honeymoon Day 3: MGM Studios

Tuesday Jill woke up and got some pills for cold and congestion and some delicious orange juice while I stayed in bed like a lazy bum. After a short time we got out to catch the bus to MGM studios. Th...
Posted by SLK on Thu, 10 May 2007 08:09:00 PST

Honeymoon: Day 2- act 2: Magic Kingdom

A short bus ride later we were at the gates of the magic kingdom...well actually at the loading docks for the ferries and monorail. Of course we rode the monorail. We immediately walked over to future...
Posted by SLK on Sun, 06 May 2007 11:39:00 PST

Honeymoon: Day 2- act 1: Animal Kingdom

I've had enough DOOM 3 crashing to go ahead and start the second installment of my Honeymoon:Monday morning woke and with through the normal motions of getting ready to head out to the parks. Jill wen...
Posted by SLK on Sun, 06 May 2007 08:07:00 PST

Honeymoon: Day One- Onward to Disney

I'm sory for putting this off for so long, but really this has been the only real free timethat I could devote to such a large undertaking. Especially with the first 2 weekends back from our honeymoon...
Posted by SLK on Sat, 05 May 2007 09:08:00 PST