Playing music. Mainly that. and a bunch of other shit. Painting, watching movies, reading whatever happens to peak my interest at the time, eating Funyuns and consuming ICEEs. If you don't know the difference between an Icee and a slushee I'll be more than happy to educate you in the two.
Actually I have pretty much everyone I feel like knowing. I am a prick and I hate people. Most likely I don't want to know you.
Well I used to have a link to cd-tracker with all my list of cds in it. So now it's just better to look at my comments or through my friends. I'm listing all the fucking shit I listen to here.
Fight Club, King Arthur, Excaliber, Hard Boiled, the Killer, Momento, Starship Troopers, Robocop, Dawn of the Dead, The Goonies, Into the Mouth of Madness, PI, Braveheart, Gladiator, Troy, LOTR trilogy, The Thirteenth Warrior, Death Race 2000, The Warriors, Rollerball (orignial), American Psycho, Izo, No Sympathy for Mr. Vengence, Oldboy, Lady Vengence, Calvaire, Ichi the Killer, 300. There will be blood
I rarely watch tv but if I do it is usually something on the History Channel, Discovery, or some decorating horseshit program. All the tattoo shit.
Spartacus, How I Became Stupid, Clockwork Orange, Choke, various books on war