If you want to contact me over myspace, go ahead. If you want to know about me, here's what I can tell you: I'm kind of a loner, though I do have a lot of friends. Good friends too. The kind that will lend you money and then refuse to accept it when you try to pay them back. So instead they just make you feel guilty all the time for having lent you money. They can keep their fucking money.
I like to read in cafes during hours when most people don't eat. It's not that I don't like people, I just don't like when there's a lot of them in one place. And I don't like watching them eat. I like cities. Especially New York, where I grew up. London and LA. I like it when it rains. Thunder and lightning. Earthquakes too. I'm not materialistic, and I tend to get annoyed with people who are. I'm not a dabbler, and I seldom respect people who are. I should probably be more open minded about things like that, but I'm not. I have a habit of putting my foot in mouth after a few drinks. Then I feel guilty about it, so I have a few more drinks to help me get over the guilt. Then I throw up. It's become a pattern. My mother thinks I should get help, but whenever she sends money for therapy, I use it to buy more drinks. I think she's becoming an enabler. Maybe SHE should get help.