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you can't know me if you don't interact with me

About Me

in case your boloney detection kit is broken:
And you may not even know it's happening, even less is that you're doing anything about it.
I'm an aspiring author, having just finished my first short book, titled "Hopeful." You may dig it.
i've produced a few albums in very very limited circulation-- stark beta style in 2003? and Technoleum in 2006, all under the pseudonym Cbaba.
I've spent the last 25 years trying to figure out what the hell is going on, and what to do about it. I am grateful for the answers with which I have been blessed.
I am not a slave to the drugs of man, nor am I homeless, and am not one to be bamboozled, as I have had my share of these things.
Stereotypes are not useful enough to live by-- you must call everything by its right name which is not the name given by others. You must decide on your own, for others do not have your experience.
um.. i used to utilize absurdity to deal.. now I take confidence in objective truth as I am blessed with it by the God of Science.
In our culture, the line between being in love and the act of loving has been distorted, watch your step.
By taking into consideration some of the time-tested "realities" of life one can rule out a lot of nonsense. I'm talking about discarding astrology for transcendant neural network building, and producing art that is a big piece of your soul than rather than assembling breakbeats from advertising kits to sell SUVs. I'm not a pessimistic skeptic, but I'm not going to buy your hoobyjooby if it doesn't compute. If you don't try to internalize order and chaos and analyze through a wide scope of the most holistic and reductionistic levels, you'll likely retire to some sort of homogenous redundancy.
Remember: Where ever you go, there you are.
And also-- Carl Sagan so loved the world that he wrote "The Demon-Haunted World," read it.
If you know me, and we haven't interacted lately, please message me. It'll be worth your while.

My Interests

i am interested in unraveling the tapestry until it is nothing but thread, rolling that into a ball, and sending it into orbit around a star in the back of your head.. there is a lot to learn, but it's not hard to run into to people who don't care about sharing information. i am interested in anything I didn't know before. There are great things to be said for those who dare to "take a crude look at the whole." (murray gell-mann)

platonic forms, harmony and the merging and unmerging of frequencies, phase transitions, framing things-- borders / points / curves that approximate them. difference and it's complicated boundaries!

playing rhythms on things with my arms and feet and other people

taking ahold of the music machine and shaking some berries off.

carl sagan, ray kurzweil, richard d james, ed feigenbaum, richard feynman, murray gell-mann, richard dawkins, and the entire third culture If you don't know who carl sagan is, you're really behind the times (like where the fuck have we been since 1978?)


I'd like to meet:

More of the revolutionaries who will walk with confidence and righteousness into a better future, the one that isn't undermined by fears of a suicidal culture.

Who are these people? You may be one of them. I am especially interested in reconnecting with the people who have known me and deserved real friendship, but lost out on it because of the shortcomings of my previous lifestyle. I am now only as whole as I can be without you.


Modest Mouse certainly has covered a lot of ground in their musical endeavor-- I fell deeply into the cathartic ritual of listening to "Good News for People who Love Bad News," -- what a great album.

afx + pseudonyms, boards of canada, plaid, bjork, amon tobin, squarepusher, autechre, astrobotnia, amon tobin, dj shadow, dj krush, dave tipper, soteg, kraddy, neutral milk hotel, grandaddy, modest mouse, RTI, wintermute, manic_miner, the dust bros, the chemical bros, frank zappa, weird al yankovic, the spin doctors, don cab, cbaba, ray lynch, my friend loren weber, and NUAN, and DJ INALIGHT, and whatever forrest is working on


television is dead and flesh consuming-- until we fix this issue


The Demon-Haunted World - carl sagan

If you are interested in beginning a journey of mind-expansion and would like a book list (books are MIND BRIDGES! oooh!), feel free to message me.



My Blog

crux show review

EVOLUTION OF THE DREAMER + CBABA SONIC WIZARD at 8 pm, the artsy fartsy chico locals gathered at 110 commerece street to watch 2 hours w/ interemission of art performance. CBAbA and Johnny Deutro fil...
Posted by forresto on Sun, 23 Oct 2005 02:40:00 PST

2 MIN MASTERY: using HTML on your myspace account to elevate your perceived social presence

THIS GUIDE WILL HELP YOU GET CHICKS, PROGRAM COMPUTERS, AND UNDERSTAND THE ORIGINS OF LIFE Step 1: learn basic HTML --  (tags contained between "greater than" and "less than" symbols ): < tag...
Posted by forresto on Sun, 09 Oct 2005 07:06:00 PST