a"People fear what they don't understand" Name- Michelle Lei
Age- 20
Well i know ya`ll are probaly thiking i am some stuck up BITCH! Well I`ll Let you Be The Judge Of That! I am one of the coolest people you could meet after getting to know me, i am a fun and awesome person that loves being a bit KUKU "Corny" at times. If i like you or am comfortable around you i am like soo awesome to be around, NO JOKE! But ya! I am currently living in las vegas, and working at abercrombie and fitch as a model "Store Model" to be exact! I also do part time modeling on the side to make that extra money SON! I am an average girl that likes to CUDDLE! Yes Cuddle. I enjoy watching movies, shopping, getting my nails done, hair did, going to clubs to get tipsy and then dance my skinny little asian body off, Oh and myspace! Oh also i am here to make friends and nothing more, i dont believe in internet love! LOL! It`s a bit pathetic dont you think? Well CIAO! . . My Cute Neice RILEY! :P My Baby Butterscotch
This Is Why I Love Military Personels!
Dedication to our soldiers.
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