therealjessicasimpson profile picture


I Love Irish guys

About Me

Damn, lemme think...I don't know.There's actually quite a bit about me that a lot of people don't know. For instance, I am super duper shy, but you would never guess. I hate talking on the telephone and I hate answering it. It makes me all anxious n' stuff. I listen to my mother way too much and I think that my parents are having a harder time with me 'growing up' than I do. I also feel like shit lately and I cry when I go to sleep...I'm not even entirely sure why. People usually guess that I'm like 19 or 20. Cab drivers often won't drive me to the bar when I ask them to bring me there. I love green leather gloves and I really dig my mukluks, it's like walking around in bare feet and you dont' have to take them off when you go inside. I once went on a trip to Azrizona, and when I was there I went to a powwow where I bought some earings. When I came back I was wearing moccassins, a braid in my hair and my new earings, walking down the street, struttin. Someone drove by me and they "hey, you look like a fucken Indian." All I could think to myself was "well, it's about time. Everyone thinks I'm effen white!" I'm a born again meat eater. After being a vegetarian for 3 years, because I got fat and my hair started to fall out, I picked up a coupla organic steaks and ate them both with just a little salt and pepper. I had to get my then roommate to cook them for me because I missed out on learning how to cook meat during my formative cooking years. I haven't turned back since and I now eat meat on a fairly regular basis. Espeically the reds: moose, caribou, buffalo, bison...Mmm MMm, gimme! But, I still try to eat somewhere between 5-10 servings fruits and vegetables a day. I exeeded that expectation today. What else is there? Well, a coupla years ago, my dad got me a second hand bike to use as mah main mode of transportation for da summer. I was in love with it - it flew like a bird, the ride was as smooth as air. One night, unknown to me, that peice of shit's breaks broke just as I had picked up speed and decided to fly around a corner. But, 'cuz the breaks were out, I couldn't slow down to go around the corner and I went head first over the handle bars, smacked my face up on a telephone pole and then landed on all fours. Needless to say, the bike was totalled and the walk home was kinda painful. jessica --
Pretentiously academian
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

My Interests

I'm superinterested in the crazy ass concepts of gravity, time, space, terrestial and otherwise. Love. Long Hair, Cool hair, dusty footed philosophers. Magic. Tattoos and piercings. Paying back my roommate for da money i owe him, making gifts from mah heart, and goin' all feng shui on my room - it could use some organizin'. Willow basket weaving. Knitting a cable stitch into scarfs and socks. Building a sustainable home with shredded denim insulation and beeswax floors. I want to write some books, one of which will be a recipe book. I love food and everything associated with it. The other book will be a childrens book about Dene legends.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who enjoys the taste of meat.


Where do I begin? Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, Conway Twitty, Elvis Presley, Buck Owens (what can I say? I'm Foxy Roxy - the CKLB princess). Also, Dj Shadow, Postal Service, Death Cab, Mars Volta, Sigur Ros, Kinnie Star, nina simone, Outkast, Bjork, a Tribe Called Quest, Morphine (they totally speak my language) Antibalas, Fleetwood Mac, Blondie, Zap Mama, Pink Floyd, Broken Social Scene, MIA, Steppenwolf (oh ya), Neil Young (preferably the olderstuff), interpole, In Deep, Metric, yeah yeah yeahs, arcade fire, chad van gaalen, bell and sebastien, billie holiday, stars, wintersleep. Favourite compilation: Dance Mix '93!!!


I Heart Huckabees, Saturday Night Fever, Jesus Christ Superstar, In the Mood for Love, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, It, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 (i know all the words).


the usual, sex and the city, twin peaks, buffy the vampire slayer, firefly, LAW AND ORDER.


Memoirs of a Geisha, Ten little Indians, Implicit Meanings (blew my mind, I had no idea) and other Mary Douglas, Tuhami: the portrait of a Moroccan, The number one ladies detective agency books, Stephanie Plum books (especially good on audio), The shadow of the rose, How to be a Domestic Godess, How to Eat, LIfe of Pi, A Brief History in Time, The OUtsiders, the OUtsider, Wasase, jitterbug perfume, Garbage Delight, Alligator Pie, Chronicles of a Death Foretold, Angel Wing Splash Pattern, Little Prince, Emily of New Moon, The Sacred Balance, Wisdom of the Elders, The Secret Garden, Chronicles of Narnia (so different when you read them as an adult), REd earth White Lies, Green Grass Running Water and other TK, The Catcher in the Rye, Bram Strokers Dracula and many many more!!! I'm not a fan of Naked Lunch - no offense fans.



My Blog

Man, listen to yo elders!

Ruth Steward - Elder from Akalvik It's been a really long day for me. But a really good - I feel tired, but really good tiredness. I just love the sharing that we're having here. My name is Ruth Stew...
Posted by therealjessicasimpson on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 02:25:00 PST

what's the meaning of a bear?

I've been wondering as there have been many in my life as of recent.   I read "in the heart of the ancient wood' where a little girl, in New Brunswick, way back in the day, makes friends with a m...
Posted by therealjessicasimpson on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 09:56:00 PST

never drinking again!!

Last night was weird ass!  I went to a BBQ and drank a couple Bacardi Breezers Light (pear flavour), and started to feel drunk after 1, wussup with that?  I even feel hung over today!!!...
Posted by therealjessicasimpson on Sun, 07 May 2006 09:39:00 PST

I just knew that i was a genius, I just knew it!!!

For some reason I can't help but share (or brag? what a fine line) my recent accomplishment...Yes, I am the writer of a genius essay (or so according to Dr. Andrew Nurse), soon to be turned into a gen...
Posted by therealjessicasimpson on Fri, 05 May 2006 08:26:00 PST

what is my celestial message?

11:11 is a number that I ALWAYS see.  What is with it? I have no idea, so I looked it up and apparently it is a 'sacred number' that will keep appearing until I get the message...I often won...
Posted by therealjessicasimpson on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 09:43:00 PST

I'm AIR GUITAR GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

While doing laundry the other day, Laurel told me that I'm known on campus as "air-guitar-girl".  It must be true, because today while grabbin' joe at the C-shop, some chic who hangs out in the l...
Posted by therealjessicasimpson on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 04:20:00 PST

what the f***, i just lie there!

every now and then, I lie awake in the am. the sun casts on my bed and I still I lie there... why the fuck do I lie there? I can't get out of bed, my head lies on my pillow and my feet dangle off t...
Posted by therealjessicasimpson on Mon, 20 Mar 2006 04:11:00 PST

The new Jesus?

I was reading my diary today and found some really insightful stuff that i wrote sometime ago.  (The fact that I have forgotten this insight makes me think that I was smarter before and that peop...
Posted by therealjessicasimpson on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 09:40:00 PST

First Blog Ever: Reading week fun!!!

Well, the weekend officially starts on a Friday night, which can only mean a few things: - a fashion extravaganza- gin and tonics- a place for both.In order to prepare, one needs a really hot pair pur...
Posted by therealjessicasimpson on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 06:22:00 PST