I'm superinterested in the crazy ass concepts of gravity, time, space, terrestial and otherwise. Love. Long Hair, Cool hair, dusty footed philosophers. Magic. Tattoos and piercings. Paying back my roommate for da money i owe him, making gifts from mah heart, and goin' all feng shui on my room - it could use some organizin'. Willow basket weaving. Knitting a cable stitch into scarfs and socks. Building a sustainable home with shredded denim insulation and beeswax floors. I want to write some books, one of which will be a recipe book. I love food and everything associated with it. The other book will be a childrens book about Dene legends.
Anyone who enjoys the taste of meat.
Where do I begin? Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, Conway Twitty, Elvis Presley, Buck Owens (what can I say? I'm Foxy Roxy - the CKLB princess). Also, Dj Shadow, Postal Service, Death Cab, Mars Volta, Sigur Ros, Kinnie Star, nina simone, Outkast, Bjork, a Tribe Called Quest, Morphine (they totally speak my language) Antibalas, Fleetwood Mac, Blondie, Zap Mama, Pink Floyd, Broken Social Scene, MIA, Steppenwolf (oh ya), Neil Young (preferably the olderstuff), interpole, In Deep, Metric, yeah yeah yeahs, arcade fire, chad van gaalen, bell and sebastien, billie holiday, stars, wintersleep. Favourite compilation: Dance Mix '93!!!
I Heart Huckabees, Saturday Night Fever, Jesus Christ Superstar, In the Mood for Love, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, It, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 (i know all the words).
the usual, sex and the city, twin peaks, buffy the vampire slayer, firefly, LAW AND ORDER.
Memoirs of a Geisha, Ten little Indians, Implicit Meanings (blew my mind, I had no idea) and other Mary Douglas, Tuhami: the portrait of a Moroccan, The number one ladies detective agency books, Stephanie Plum books (especially good on audio), The shadow of the rose, How to be a Domestic Godess, How to Eat, LIfe of Pi, A Brief History in Time, The OUtsiders, the OUtsider, Wasase, jitterbug perfume, Garbage Delight, Alligator Pie, Chronicles of a Death Foretold, Angel Wing Splash Pattern, Little Prince, Emily of New Moon, The Sacred Balance, Wisdom of the Elders, The Secret Garden, Chronicles of Narnia (so different when you read them as an adult), REd earth White Lies, Green Grass Running Water and other TK, The Catcher in the Rye, Bram Strokers Dracula and many many more!!! I'm not a fan of Naked Lunch - no offense fans.