I am interested in evolving my soul, living from my soul instead of my ego (so hard).I am interested in helping the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people becoming free of China's hold on their country, and free of the atrocities they endure at the hands of the Chinese army-the more I learn about China, the more they PISS ME OFF!!!Internal peace is an essential first step to achieving peace in the world. How do you cultivate it? It's very simple. In the first place by realizing clearly that all mankind is one, that human beings in every country are members of one and the same family.-His Holiness the Dalai LamaI am interested in self sustainability for me and my family, and the state of the earth. I am interested in teaching my kids of these things so they can be a start to a new outlook on how to live on this earth. My next adventure is having a few chickens around the house for eggs and insect control...I am interested in spreading light and love to all God puts in my path, and being open minded enough, and nonjudgemental so that I may FEEL what it is I am needed for.I love camping with my family, getting them into nature, God's presence up close and personal....my little niece put this pic up and I love it, thanks Corteze!!!
I'm thinking this must of been about 1997 or 1998...I want my front yard to attract squirrels and birds and all those cute little creatures that make my soul sore...I am interested in seeing Barack Obama our next president, and hope for this country...
I've sat in the presence of the Dalai Lama, and heard him speak, and felt it to the depths of my soul--oh the energy in that building. I also was in that same building recently with Barack Obama, still trying to get the primary vote....awesome energy, amazing, I pray and pray he is our next president. I've heard Deepak Chopra talk about "How to Know God." His books have enlightened me the most. Life after Death was a blessing to me, and at least one other person I know who has lost someone. I LOVE DEEPAK!!! I have been to a lecture by Maya Angelou, and Iyanla Vanzant....they are all very, very in tune with life and spirit, and how to CREATE your life.......the one I still want to meet is OPRAH......I LOVE HER.....she is a beautiful example of how you can have a tremendously successful life, and what you can do and accomplish when you think of others more than yourself. Another person who I believe to be becoming very powerful a "male Oprah," is Russell Simmons. He has his hand in everything and it all seems to be positive. I love that he can make so much money and keep his power over it to put it to positive use instead of it having power over him. I can only imagine how hard that is....unfortunately, I think money is still controlling me rather than me controlling it. ___________________________________________________________
Alicia Keys....I love her, you can tell her soul is evolving and she shares it with us all....JOSS STONE IS ROCKIN!!!!!!!!!!! I'm lovin her Mind, Body and Soul CD....My favorite song is "That Name" by Yolanda Adams. I've been wearing out my Leela James CD, if she comes to concert Kennedy and I are going to go, she loves her too. Beyond that, I love all music, it evokes many emotions and can be a powerful tool in this life.
The movie of my life.......I try not to be vain, but these family and friends are beautiful, inside and out....and there are so many more not pictured here that help mold my life into one of service to all beings, and show me love beyond belief...Anna and Wade, Christine and Wade, Jessica, Karla, Misty and Danny, my aunt Sue, all my little nephews and nieces
I love THE OFFICE....it cracks me up tremendously!!! I love Run's House, and was so sad to hear about their loss, and amazed and grateful that they shared the whole thing with their fans. That must of been extremely hard. Definitely love the history channel (especially history on biblical days). I love the idea behind My Name is Earl, finally....maybe we can send a better message through this powerful tool we have been blessed with, TV. The Biggest Loser is AWESOME...to see what these people go through, and for them to share it with all of us, that is just crazy, and I trust it is opening a lot of judgmental minds about "fat" PEOPLE. Oh yeah, Hell's Kitchen is fun to watch too!!!
I've read so much in the past 3 months I don't really know where to begin, and probably won't list them all...Parting Notes...I love it...The Power of Now, it is put in simple terms, but is definitely powerful. It kind of takes a lot from all the books I've read and puts it in basic words. Clan of the Cave Bear series-AWESOME...and the author lives here in Oregon with us...she is getting older, I pray she gets at least one more book out. She puts so much into just 1 book...she is wonderful!! I just read Deepak's Life after Death which opened up so much for me. I'm read Buddha by Deepak, and really enjoyed it. i've read about 4 or 5 of his other books...How to Know God, a must read!!! I love anything from Jackie Collins, I love her characters, and she is very fun to read, and makes me laugh...Something I've been doing lately is sending books to friends...it's amazing how good that feels, especially when they really get something out of it...Wendy, Jessica:)
Those who live consciously, and with intention....that is who I strive to be like...For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.- Author UnknownI