Music, guitar, learning, girls...I should say women now cuz I'm getting older...with a sense of humor (the darker the better), and at least some intelligence...I mean I can't carry on a conversation with someone that just knows their ABDs :P
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just a few in no order whatsoever...gonna pull a Virgina Woolf (I don't have favorites since I like so many bands..notice the word "band" fuck pop singers that don't even write their own shit)...AC/DC, Pantera, Rage Against the Machine, Guns 'n' Roses, Black Label Society, Rusted Root, old Metallica and Megadeth, Lynyrd Skynyrd (I'm from the south :P), Fiona Apple, Static-X, White Zombie (and Rob's solo stuff), Lacuna Coil, L7, The Black Crowes, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, System of a Down, Helmet, Prong, Tori Amos, The Roots, Led Zeppelin, most typical 80's music hah, umm my stream of consciousness just farted out (not really)....anyways that's some of my favorites tbc...
real quick, a few of my favorites...have too many..Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, (for a comedy "Something About Mary"), for a tear jerker "Fried Green Tomatoes", now back to my other faves...Sling Blade, Casino, Scarface (of course), American Beauty, Crash, Garden State, Apocalypse Now, first 3 Star Wars movies, All 3 Godfather movies...and yes 2 was the best, Almost Famous, Sophie's Choice, Easy Rider, all 3 Indiana Jones movies, Lucky # Slevin, gawd I could go on and on...but that's enough....I just hate cheap cookie cutter comedies/action movies...for example the only American Pie movie I liked was American Wedding...that was worth watching once...ONCE! Seriously if you're 40 or under and have never seen the others..that one is pretty funny.
don't watch much television except for news and educational stuff...or boxing...but I've always been there for The Sopranos and Deadwood...can't believe they gave that one the fukkin cocksuckers!! and now no more Sopranos :( "Don't Stop Believing"!! But am caught up with Weeds loving that...Californication is kind of endearing too ;P Uh oh...I'm liking "Dexter".
I read quite a bit...mostly educational books but a few of my favorites in the fiction category..."The God of Small Things" by Arundhati Roy, "Riddley Walker" by Russell Hoban, "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabakov, all of the "Rabbit" novels by John Updike, "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky....blah blah
my father, Warren Buffet, Peter Lynch AND ABSOLUTELY NONE of the candidates for our next "president"....grr