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Revolution In Advancement

About Me

Click link for Osiris' BioOsiris BiographyAV_layoutssurfourspace.com premade layouts surfourspace.com In music there have always been iconic figures that fall into the heavyweight category who lead and light the way. Osiris is the next big thing and falls into this category already.After being on the sideline for several years writing songs as a ghostwriter for other artists, Osiris finally became the ghost out of the shell by jumping into the drivers seat himself by stepping into the studio to record his debut album which will consist of his poetry recited by other artists and all new tracks. Watching other artists perform his work was rewarding as it drew the pundits resulting in critically acclaimed work. But as all of Osiris' mainstream works consisted of silence clauses, he could never speak out of who he wrote songs for, and we may never know.With astounding, clever, witty and genius lyricism he continues to woo and impress heavily with content that is extremely original and inspiring. DmG, producer of his upcoming debut single “Goodbye” said:“I have never known anyone to write the way he does, in any genre of music. He is truly gifted and blessed with a rare gift. I know that a lot of people say that about a lot of musicians and entertainers but he really is. And it was an honour to work with him on Goodbye. Just to let you know how gifted and talented I thought he is, I just gave him the track, and told him I’d never heard anything like his material before, please just have the track”If that isn’t anything to go by, he has also gained enormous respect in and around the country and is starting to amount a huge following globally in places like China, India, U.S. and Europe. Radio stations are already pre-playing Goodbye before it is supposed to be.On stage, Osiris incorporates the most energetic and astonishing performances. Using everything on the stage at his disposal and keeping the crowd in with him as he gazes into it with full eye contact.“He is very unpredictable, and brings out the best in the crowd he is performing to. Just imagine it, his masterpiece work combined with a performance, where he covers every part of the stage, and sometimes the crowd, it is a performance that will stay in your memory” – Kev White (Teleporta Records and Productions)The Osiris influence continues to grow as major record labels battle it out for his contract internationally and nationally.“Osiris attracts an extreme amount of people because he doesn’t stick to that whole UK Hip-Hop thing, he represents on a global level, which is what differentiates Hip-Hop from other forms of music, this is why he is going to be the next big thing and he will change the world” – Sul malik (Omni4ce Productions)“………he is going to be the next big thing and will change the world………”The music world is filled with conscious artists and material that delves into the issues that need attention. But here is an artist that takes his music seriously, and who follows up what he expresses.Being inspired more by life experiences, knowledge and the alternative will allow us to see a completely different type of songwriting brought to the table by Osiris. He has a distinctive outlook on life through his rhymes and a complex array of wordplay cleverly linked together to create catchy, ear gripping moments. Not just on the chorus’ but in all his verses too, physically imprinting it on your memory.The best advice I can give you would be to see him live, in order to see his energetic performance, hear his genius wordplay, and be in the presence of an amazing artist. Overall, the whole experience will be more than breathtaking for you.The buzz is building, and his debut album (which is currently being recorded) is being eagerly awaited by the world. I have heard some of the tracks, and let me tell you, it is definitely worth waiting for.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/21/2006
Band Website: osirishiphop.com (Under Construction)
Band Members: Solo Osiris
Influences: Holy Qu'ran, Father Sheikh Mahmud Niaz Faruki , all music. Check Suemina Jalil Interview for more Information.
Sounds Like: Your outta business.
Record Label: Universal Records//Face/Off Entertainment//Firm
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Operation Northwoods (This ties in with September 11th 2001)

Operation Northwoods Operation Northwoods memoranda (March 13, 1962). Operation Northwoods, or Northwoods, was a 1962 plan by the US Department of Defense to cause acts of simulated or real terro...
Posted by Osiris on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 09:30:00 PST

Why do we read Qu’ran?

Q: Why do we read Quran, even if we can't understand a single Arabicword????This is a beautiful storyAn old American Muslim lived on a farm in the mountains of easternKentucky with his young grandson....
Posted by Osiris on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 09:23:00 PST

Propaganda: Copy, Paste and forward this to everyone you know.

Our Government seems to think that we are too stupid and idiotic. Where on earth do they get the material they put out in the media. It's a well known fact that they have their fingers in the pie of a...
Posted by Osiris on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 04:53:00 PST

Removal of songs

Sorry guys had to remove the other songs as I keep finding them on download sites before they were published! So from now on I will be uploading one song at a time untill the publishers change their m...
Posted by Osiris on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 05:03:00 PST

Goodbye - Lyrics

..> O S I R I S  G O O D B Y EWritten by T.FarukiThis is the story..of how I lost a piece of my heart.... GOODBYEGOODBYEGOODBYEVerse 1When the rain stops my heart will too,my unhappiness will cont...
Posted by Osiris on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 05:01:00 PST

Imam Ali (as) Pt 1

Bismillah ir rahman ir raheem.   A'slaam alykum.   Sayings of Imam Ali (A.S.)   "Those who gather knowlegde will remain alive through their knowledge and wisdom even after their...
Posted by Osiris on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 02:01:00 PST

Imam Ali(as) Pt 2

Imam Ali (as) pt 2 Bismillah ir rahman ir raheem   A'slaam alykum   " To guard what you already possess and own is better than to ask and pray of others for what they possess."   " On...
Posted by Osiris on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 01:55:00 PST