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Grew up listening to rock but I like every genre depending on the song. I don't have a favorite band or a favorite singer. I'm an equal opportunity offender. I like to experiment with everything. I still listen to classical music and opera every now and then only because I was forced to play the cello and violin and sing Italian opera growing up but that's typical in every samurai household. But what I really hate is that teeny-bopper, Hilary Duff and Lindsay Lohan shit.
ANYTHING BUT CHEESY CHICK-FLICKS AND STUPID HORROR MOVIES! I love Angelina Jolie, Natalie Portman, Eric Bana, Clive Owen, Jack Black, Chris Tucker, Gary Oldman, Kelly Hu, and Jessica Alba (just to look at cuz I don't consider her a serious actress. I'm more intested in epic films or period pieces with authentic art direction. One of my favorites from childhood has always been "Amadeus"
I don't usually watch TV but I like anything that can make me laugh.
Non-fiction unless I'm forced to read another script.
For brain stimulation and sex appeal...My true heroes are my parental units who I rebelled against countless times.