I am a simple person who absolutely, and honestly loves PEOPLE! I am in the people business. Some very close friends call me a SPIRITUAL LIFE COACH (I resemble that statement LOL). I am a licensed minister, a life coach, a career coach, a doula (birth coach), a business advisor, AND first and foremost a wife, and mother of three amazing kids!
In my younger days I was a stage actor, a dancer, professional ballroom dance instructor and was classically trained in vocals just to name a few hats.
My passions are talking to people, photography, singing, painting, and dancing, and I love to laugh. I've heard my closest friends tell me that I have a great sense of humor and lighten up any dark room. I love that people are so kind.
I enjoy life to it's fullest and like to say that I am an optimist. I believe that there is absolutely no sense in being negative, or communicating with negative individuals. I like to surround myself with positive, spiritual, and creative individuals. Life is just better that way.
Life (and God), have allowed me to experience some amazing things. I've worked as a professional investigator with United States Government, been a "hired gun" for retail restaurant corporations opening in new markets, worked with welfare recipients, and served the public in an employment recruitment/job placement position. I've also served on the Board of Directors of the Scott, Carver and Dakota Counties CAP Agency and believe in volunteering, especially when able to volunteer with community organizations that support familial stability by providing job and career training, practical daily needs to the elderly, emergency grocery assistance, and support to women and children of domestic violence.
So what do I do for a living? I TALK TO PEOPLE rather I really listen.
I am the founding partner of The Entertainment Industry Chaplains, Owner of 1st Impressions Consulting Services, Charity Services Partner and Administrator of ProVips.com (100% Verified Celebrities) for McGill International, and am an on the Executive Board of Directors for Child Predator Busters.
I believe in confidentiality and real support. Everyone needs reliable systems to stay grounded -- emotionally and spiritually. Why shouldn't you have someone just for yourself?
Contact Information & Links
We believe prayer is very important, especially when it comes from others who have a heart for the Entertainment Industry and the people in it. We are looking for people from all over the world to pray for what we do 24/7. If you would like to join others who are already committed an hour per month, week, or day, please follow this link: .."http://groups.yahoo.com/group/chaplainsprayer/" target="_new"The Entertainment Industry Chaplains Prayer Group Street TeamThe Entertainment Industry Chaplains
PO Box 211125
Saint Paul MN 55121
Phone: 651-686-5600
E-mail: [email protected]
Lee Travathan
"The Rebel Writer"
Author, Producer & Coach
Among the extraordinary people I have known over the years, some shine a little brighter not just for their ability, but their track record for helping people live better lives. Lee has spent more than 25 years in the Industry as a consultant and Life Coach, a producer and writer, a friend and mentor. She's hosted both television and radio shows, but is most well known for her books on "Extraordinary Thinking." Lee finds her motivation to give out of a love for people and for her Creator.Some friends grow to take a place in your heart that is like family. For me, Lee is such a person.
Sher Lefever
Confederate Starz Artist Management
and Founder of Child Predator Busters
Sher is such an inspirational individual. She is amongst one of the most amazing individuals I have been blessed to know. She has done some pretty amazing things in her life to include working for the police department, driving race cars, owning and operating businesses.
In addition to her business ventures Sher is writing her first book about some very personal circumstances that started fifteen years ago and led up to the founding of Child Predator Busters.
This woman is amazing. I am blessed to call her my sister and to be involved in her adventures any way I can. Please support her, offer your services. You won't regret it!