My inconsistencies are wide and varied, but so are my interests, so I figure it balances out in the long run. I love reggae music, reading, literature and the Arts. I am down for any fun activity as long as it does not involve great risk to my health. That means no hang gliding, bungee jumping, or any of the too-crazy things that exist out there...
Take the quiz:
What does your birth month reveal about you?
Loyal and generous. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Loves to socialize. Loves praises. Loves attention. Loves to be loved. Honest and trustworthy. Not pretending. Short tempered. Changing personality. Not egoistic. Take high pride in oneself. Hates restrictions. Loves to joke. Good sense of humor. Logical.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
You Don't Need a Man ... or Want One!
Generally, you're very happy being a single woman.
And anyone who has a problem with that... well, that's there problem.
Not that you wouldn't share your life with the almost perfect guy.
You simply won't settle though. Your life is too good to share with some substandard man!
Do You Need a Man?
Your Seduction Style: Sweet Talker
Your seduction technique can be summed up with "charm"
You know that if you have the chance to talk to someone...
Well, you won't be talking for long! ;-)
You're great at telling potential lovers what they want to hear.
Partially, because you're a great reflective listener and good at complementing.
The other part of your formula? Focusing your conversation completely on the other person.
Your "sweet talking" ways have taken you far in romance - and in life.
You can finess your way through any difficult situation, with a smile on your face.
Speeding tickets, job interviews... bring it on! You truly live a *charmed life*
What Kind of Seducer Are You?
Dancehall... Vybes Kartel, Wayne Marshall, Assassin, Baby Cham, Lady Saw, Lady Spice, Macka Diamond --- dem deh large... blazin eternal fyah undaneet SeanPaul and Missa Vegas... Love man like Richie Spice, the late great Dennis Brown, Gergory Isaacs... all di ole school lover's rock singer dem.
Anything X-Men... ummm... love kung fu movies, love girl power movies, like the Charlie's Angel movies... Not a fan of slapstick comedies.
A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Shawna Sherraine Williamson
Birthday:: Dec 17th 1975
Birthplace:: Kingston Jamaica
Eye Color:: dark brown
Hair Color:: 3 colors right now...
Height:: 5'1, i think
Weight:: ummm... i'm chubby, okay??!! gawsh!
Right handed or Left handed?: righty
Your Heritage:: african, baby!!
My Worst Habit:: lotsa nasty habits
Zodiac Sign:: sagittarius... an mi solid as a rock!
Shoe Size:: 8 1/2
Pants Size:: 9 this week
Innie or Outie?: innie
Parents Still Together?: naw... were they ever? shit, i cant remember it
The Shoes You Wore Today:: black chinese slippers
Your Weakness:: prophet
Your Fears:: dying before my son is old enough to have lasting positive memories of me
Your Perfect Pizza:: white pizza with broccoli n spinach
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: live each day like it's my last, but still wake up in the morning
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: "lol..." or maybe "so..."
Thoughts First Waking Up:: aww shit... another day i gotta dazzle the world with my "me-ness"
Your Best Physical Feature:: i have heard my eyes, my lips, my boobs... who knows, and who really cares? i'm just the bomb...
Your Bedtime:: whenever the booze and/or other intoxicants kick in
Your Most Missed Memory:: hellshire beach in jamaica, screechie's fried fish
Favorite color?: depends on the day, week or moment
Food?: sushi, ackee n saltfish...
Sport?: me no speaky the sport
Animal?: whitnet houston... my roommate's dog, not the singer
Ice Cream?: rum raisin or pralines n cream
Candy?: gummi bears
Store?: varies... me shopaholic, like any store!!
Salad Dressing?: fat free honey mustard or vinaigrette
Actor?: used to love omar epps... with his dark sexy ass
Song?: fight over man by lady spice... my shiznit, yo!!
Letter?: "s" for shawna and sagittarius
Number?: 1, coz i'm number 1 baby!!
Gum?: orbitz bubblemint
Holiday?: my birthday
Season?: fall (where seasons exist)
Toothpaste Flavor?: long as its minty and makes my teeth feel clean, i'm good.
Radio Station?: 88.5 wmnf... representing for ma roomie, da ill ill lizz straight and her show "poetry is..." 11pm saturday nights!! was that a damn plug in a survey? yes, it was...
Perfume?: right now, cheap and chic by moschino
Scent besides perfume?: good food cookin... lol
Body part on the opposite sex?: chest
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: myself, just grown!
How Do You Want To Die?: smacked by a truck, never see it coming, quick and painless
Turn ons:: brains
Turn offs:: lack of brainpower
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: shit... these days its ma damn
Who's The Loudest?: prolly me
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: varies from one day to the next... all ma friends are wacky... its a requirement
Who Have You Known The Longest?: ma girl tanya in ny... we been friends since we were 5
Who's The Shyist?: prolly lisa... she is ridiculous with her shit
When Have You Cried The Most?: when i left my faggy former live in lover
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: looking at my son, and thinkin... damn, i did the damn thing! as he jumps around like a puppy on crack... requess whitney
Worst Feeling?: being broke
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: i dont care... doesnt matter... i make my environment fun wherever i go
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: i would turn down my appeal... i am too much for many people
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: til its my time
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's look at the: morons and laugh our asses off
What a nice: day
Where did all the: men go?
Why can't we: just have sex now and fuck the other foolishness?
Silly, little: dork
Isn't it weird that: i am as fuckin amazingly cool as i am?
Never under any circumstance: do u wanna try to control me.
I wish: i never had to worry about bills so i could fritter my life away... wait i am already frittering my life away... still wish there were no bills
Everyone has a: n opinion
I am: shawna, bitches!
Been In Love?: ummm... yeah, or so i thought at the time
Been To Juvie?: naw
Mooned Someone?: yeah
Been Rejected?: my name is shawna
Ran Away From Home?: lol, yeah
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: me no speaky the crush
Skipped School?: yeah
Thought About Suicide?: yeah
Slept Outside?: doubt it
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: yeah
Cried In School?: yeah
Thrown Up In School?: naw
Wanted To Be a Model?: naw
Cheated On Someone?: plea the 5th
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: lol, every day
Seen A Dead Body?: in a coffin, yeah
Been Bitched Out?: lol, yeah... my mother's name is carol
Drank Alcohol?: ummm... one of my monikers is the drunken master of poetry... i was called that for a reaon
Smoked?: what?
Been On Drugs?: depends on your definition of "drugs"
Eaten Sushi?: yeah...
Been On Stage?: yeah...
Gone Skinny Dipping?: naw
Shoplifted?: plea the 5th
Been Drunk?: look 7 questions up
Been Called A Tease?: yeah
Been Beaten Up?: lol, naw
Swear?: ummm... like a sailor
Sing Well?: yeah, in the shower
Shower Daily?: lol, naw just on federal holidays
Want To Go To College?: periodically
Want To Get Married?: umm... maybe when i am too old to be myself as i am today
Believe In Yourself?: of course
Get Motion Sickness?: only when drunk or pregnant
Think You Are Attractive?: my name is shawna... hellooo??!!
Get Along With Your Parents?: at times
Like Thunderstorms?: naw
Play An Instrument?: naw
Own An IPOD?: naw
Pray?: i communicate with the greater forces
Go To Church?: naw
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: naw
Keep A Journal/Diary?: sorta
Dance In The Rain?: naw
Sing In The Shower?: yeah
Pepsi or Coke?: neither
McDonald's or Burger King?: bk... they have a veggie whopper
Single or Group Dates?: either
Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate baby, but only in my men
Strawberries or Blueberries?: either
Meat or Veggies?: veg
TV or Movie?: prolly movie
Guitar or Drums?: drums... i'm african
Adidas or Nike?: nike all day
Chinese or Mexican?: depends on the day
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: corn flakes
or Pie?: both
MTV or VH1?: mtv
Blind or Deaf?: blind... i'm a poet... need my ears
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers
Do The Splits?: naw... too old 4 dat shit
Write With Both Hands?: naw
Whistle?: ummm.... who does that?
Blow A Bubble?: yeah
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: yeah
Cross Your Eyes?: yeah
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: yeah
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: naw
Dance?: yeah
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: yeah... i will gain weight, but i aint worried bout dat shit. lol
You Touched:: my granny
You Talked To On The Phone:: lisa
You Instant Messaged:: my roomie... text messaged anyway
You Hugged:: granny
You Yelled At:: granny
You Played A Sport With:: me no speaky the sport
Time You Laughed?: a few minutes ago
Time You Cried?: don't remember
Movie You Watched?: superman returns
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: orbitz bubblemint
Joke You Told?: shit, i tell jokes all day err day
Song You've Sung?: if all the raindrops were lemondrops and gumdrops... lol... had a barney moment
Where Are You?: at my uncle's house
What Can You See Out Your Window?: what window? this house is a mausoleum
Are You Listening To Music?: naw
What Are You Wearing?: wifebeater n jeans
What's On Your Mousepad?: dell
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: yeah... there's life on mine...
Do you believe in miracles?: yup
Magic?: umm... dunno
Love at first sight?: naw
God?: greater force
Satan?: not in the sense we have been told
Ghosts?: naw
Santa?: lol, yeah
Evolution?: not sure... still contempleting that one
Fav Eye Color:: doesn't matter
Fav Hair Color:: doesn't matter... not pink is a good idea though...
Short or Long Hair:: either bald or lotsa hair, like a 'fro or braids or lox
Height:: tall...
Weight:: umm, not grossly obese
Best Clothing Style:: irrelevant... whatever works for him
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: after all the countries in africa, then greece
Number Of CD's I Own:: dunno... good amount
Your Good Luck Charm:: don't have or need one
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 4 on ma bed....
Do you drink milk?: soymilk, yeah
Person You Hate Most:: prolly merewyn
Most Outdated Phrase:: all the shit i am bringin back... what?
Do you think God has a gender?: she's a woman, hellooooo...
Where do you think we go when we die?: underground if buried
How many rings until you answer the phone?: depends on who's calling
What is something scientists need to invent?: cure for diabetes, gotta fix my baby sissy
Are you a health freak?: not really
Are you a virgin?: ummm... naw
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: jupiter... i'm sagittarius baby
What is the worst weather?: heavy rain which causes poor visibility
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: yeah
How many grades have you failed?: none
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Ummm... Animal Farm, Omali Yeshitela Speaks, The Afrikan Holocaust.... anything by Tom Clancy, Robert Ludlum, spy novels... Racism 101 by Nikki Giovanni... Anything by Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou... could go on and on for ever.
Vincent Williamson, Jr ... my oldest brother, and the smartest man I grew up around...