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.The Business Vol.1-My 3rd mixtape
-Came out May 2006
-I shot 2 videos Angry and 24/7
-Angry was backed by colin batsa (ASTAB)
and ukstreetsounds .
Aired on chanell U from february till august.
-Had a page in rwd march edition called the BIzzieness and before that i was in rwd february edition with ukstreetsounds artists as a scout
-2006 was just to give a sense of seriousness
-2007 is another level!!........................................
The Business Vol.2 Out now in your the following shops so pick up a copy...
* Uptown records - West End
* Body Music - Seven Sisters
* Brighton music shop
* Fk Records - clapton
* Reds - Brixton
-shot 3 videos taken from the business vol.2 for promotional use.Nightime, knockin on my door and were moving. these video are widely distributerd over the net and are building up the fan base as we prepare for the next phase in 2008. keep supporting The business for theres more to come.