KuntaKintey! profile picture


well honey you know that you can and will lick my doo.... ohh yeah!!

About Me

I'm a Dreamer...and A man with a dream will not be denied Just click on the link below!!!

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My Interests

I'm an Aerobic instructor,

I'd like to meet:

Zaidah Ahmad


Gazal,Keronchong,Death, Kyuss, Kembara, Duo Kribo, Ismail Haron, Fu Manchu, Stompin Ground, Force Vormit, Nebula, Sodom, Iron Monkey,Bongzilla, Dewa, Ahmad Band, Slank, Jamrud, J Mizan, Hail Amir, Sharifah Aini, Testament, Sepultura, Search, Rusty Blade, Beatles, Grandfunk Railroad, MC5, Black Sabbath, Atomic Rooster, Sudirman, Jamal Abdillah, M.Nasir, Godbless, Project Pop, Arri Lasso, M.Daud Kilau,Overkill, Raushanfikir, TZ, Unwanted, Megadeth, Atomic Bitchwax, Ratu, Manowar, Kiss, Bloodshed, Gingerbread, Tokyo Square, Freedom, Headwind, Ella, Sweet Charity, Doel Sumbang, Roadsaw, Hangnail (UK), Cathedral, ... Dan Many many...last but not least Paul Simon..wa punya fav dadey.... width="425" height="350" ..


Akhir Sebuah Impian, StarWars, Mekanik, Ali Setan,Goonies Mat Bond, E.T, Bujang Lapok, Kembara Seniman Jalanan, Gila Gila Remaja, Lord Of The Rings, Superman, Spiderman, Sex Boat, Aku Yang Berhormat, Sikitnye Sewel, DaDiDu, Tuan Badul, Terminator, X-Men,


The Simpsons, Futurama, The Electric Company, That 70s Show, Mat Yoyo, K14, 80an Gerek, hmmmm not much watch TV ah...


The Power Of Subconcious Mind, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Cashflow Quadrant, Dream Is Everything, Piano By The Beach, Personality Plus, Variasari, Variapop, Gile-Gile, Bala On The Moon,

My Blog

Maybe Someday

Home is where the heart is; isn't that what people say? But there are times it's not the truth and it doesn't work that way Sometimes there is that someone who comes into your heart When you do...
Posted by KuntaKintey! on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 06:59:00 PST