There are five houses, each of a different color, inhabited by men of different nationalities, with different pets, drinks, and cigarettes. Given the initial set of conditions, it must be determined which attributes are assigned to each man.
George Orwell, Murakami, Albert Einstein, Mandella, Naomi Klein, Chomsky, Rudyard Kippling dadadada Glastonbury Secret Garden Party Bestival
Nightmare before christmas, Waking life, Princess Mononoke, Fight Club, p [pie], Usual Suspects, Pulp Fiction, Ong Bak, Mirrormask, Zatoichi, City of lost Children, City of god.... etc etc
Documentarys, 24, Lost, Heroes, Prison Break, The Mighty Boosh........
1984, Any by Haruki Murakami, Catcher in the Rye, Catch 22, LOTR, True History of the Kelly Gang, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Fight club, Celestine Prophecy etc etc
Captain Henry Morgan.... Pirate captain.... Plunderer of Panama..... Inspiration behind Morgan relation.