I Just Love These Guys Fuck You Terrorists....... One of my latest interests is Helium. www.helium.com is somewhat similar to wikipedia, but different. Please check it out, you even get paid to write here! The link following this can be copy/pasted in your browser to go straight to my articles! PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT!http://www.helium.com/user/show/45652 Another place I write is on blogspot. Copy/paste this link: http://paulsway.blogspot.com/ Be sure to leave some comments, follow some links, yada yada yada.
The mutha who can give me the winning lotto numbers!br /From: Ho$$
Date: Dec 4, 2007 9:11 AM
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Almost anything if it isn't country or opera, I love the grateful dead, phish, DMB, Pantera, Iron Maiden, Rush, BEP, Cypress Hill, yeeesh alot more.........................
Holy crap ALOT, but I love Kevin Smith films, Pulp Fiction, Mallrats, Lord of the Rings, The Negotiator, American Beauty, Con Air, Basic, K-Pax,Four RoomsMany, Many More
King of the Hill for sure! I am SOOO Hank Hill sometimes, it is frightening.Seinfield, South Park,I want a job on MythBusters! God, I love to blow shit up, and I could improve on thier experiments occasionaly(ok, everybody says that!)That 70's Show is pretty funny.Not much else, I like movies and books so much more than TV
Mostly Sci Fi, Robert Heinlien being my favorite. Poul Anderson, Larry Niven, I loved Ringworld, Stephen King is good, Stephen R Donaldson, Steven Barnes, JRR Tolkien, Robert Ludlum, he did a couple of great comedies as well, The Road to Gandolfo, and The Road to Omaha, David Eddings, Robert Lynn Aspirin, Piers Anthony, LE Modesitt JR. , Anne Mcaffrey, Mr. Isaac Asimov, Tom Clancy, POE, and so many many more, I have hundreds of books and authors!
Spiderman, Wolverine, Tom Monahan, And Dan Marino