Think BIG, when u think of Marvelous Magnum. This Long Island Native is full of smooth melodic flows & catchy street themes that listeners have no choice but to take heed to. The interesting thing about this guy is that he has 2 sides, Marvelous on 1 side is the smooth, conscious, harmonic, soulful sound. While Magnum is the more street and catchy side, when u mix them both together you have a very Artistic Lyricist. Influenced by jazz and poetry, Marvelous displays stunning intelligence, with songs like "Stay in my lane" and "Daddy where are u" he shows wisdom far ahead of his time. Also being influenced by hard times from a hard upbringing Magnum shows that he can fit into any street corner cipher or radio jockeys playlist with songs like "Stop acting Light Skin" and "Trouble". He calls himself an OUTSYDA because "I'm outside the box of what people nowadays would consider normal", and in this day & age of character, charisma, & a quick gimmick Marvelous Magnum fits on either side, Rap or Hip Hop. Stay tuned.............