Member Since: 2/18/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Niav occasionally supported by various artists
Radio stations can download hi-fi mp3
album tracks for airplay at
Cleared full size album tracks are available
for commercial licencing for film,
tv and advertising at
Enjoy Niav's debut music video
"Who Put America in Charge?"
as featured on
Washington Post/Newsweek
along with a video live performance
of her popular song I Am
and the completed tracks for the album...
Woman In a World Gone Mad
on the player below
Niavs music market see more at Brought to you by
we are fed on beliefs, ideas and dogmas
and therefore we breed discontent. The present crisis
is of an exceptional nature and we as human beings
must either pursue the path of constant conflict and
continuous wars, which are the result of our everyday
action, or else see the causes of war and turn our back
upon them.
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
"...who looks behind things, people and events
to see essences, souls and causes ....
cannot be guilty of superficiality.
He who attends to the truth in all statements,
regardless of their source,
and who lays aside prejudices and preconceptions
as soon as they are recognized ....
soon finds no occasion for contention.
He who has intimations of the Wisdom of Life
and its Great Goal, who sees the divine power
of selfless labor as an evolutionary force ....
has passed beyond indolence.
He who has a grasp of his own nature,
a lien on the godhood within
.... finds nothing in life that is fearful,
and is no longer a prey to superstition."
On this immediate level of life and structure,
myths offer life models. But the models have to be
approperiate to the time in which you are living,
and our time has changed so fast that what was proper
fifty years ago is not proper today. The virtues of the past
are the vices of today. And many of what were thought to be
the vices of the past are the necessities of today.
The moral order has to catch up with the moral necessities
of actual life in time, here and now.
And that is what we are not doing.
The old-time religion belongs to another age,
another people, another set of human values, another universe.
By going back you throw yourself out oy sync with history.
~Joseph Campbell
"May I become at All times, both Now and Forever
A Protector for those without Protection
A Guide for those have lost their Way
A Ship for those with Oceans to Cross
A Bridge for those with Rivers to Cross
A Sanctuary for those in Danger
A Lamp for those without Light
A Place of Refuge for those who lack Shelter
And a Servant to All in Need."
~the 14th Dalai Lama
The Cosmos,
and human behaviour
The key to growth
is the introduction of higher dimensions
into our consciousness
~Lao Tzu
In the Kali Age there will be many false religionists...
And Dharma becomes very weak in the Kali Age,
and people commit sin in mind, speech and actions
...Quarrels, plague, fatal diseases, famines,
drought and calamaties appear
..People...are wicked, full of anger...greedy, untruthful
...Earth will be valued only for her mineral treasures.
Money alone will confer nobility.
Power will be the sole definition of virtue.
..Thus in the Kali Age
humankind will be utterly destroyed.
~Hindu scripture
To live in a world at peace,
To live in peace with each other,
To live at peace within ourselves,
There is no need for
Ten commandments.
There is no need for rules
Dogma ,indoctrination,
oppression or centralized control.
If we live our lives as individuals
with one guideline,
That is all that is required
To change the world we live in.
That guideline is....
"Do unto others
As you would have
Them do unto you."
It really is that simple.
"The diversity of human family should be the cause
of love and harmony,
as it is in music where many
different notes blend together
in the making of
a perfect chord. If you meet those of different race
and color from yourself, do not mistrust them
and withdraw yourself into your shell of conventionality,
but, rather, be glad and show them kindness.
Think of them as different colored roses growing
the beautiful garden of humanity,
and rejoice to be among them."
It's not too late... the angel said.
Even though the world's a mess...
Even though you're not as young...
Even though you've made mistakes
and have been afraid
It's not too late...
And then I saw the world
through the angels' eyes...
I saw the colors I could paint
The bridges I could build
The lives that I could touch
The dreams that could still come true
And it became very clear to me...
That it's not too late.
~Ron Atchison
Sounds Like: emotive and evocative music
Record Label: who pays the piper calls the tune
Type of Label: None