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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Buried at PhotoCasket.comI am a mom, a nature lover, a goddess, the Tea Diva, an artist, a traveller, and so much more. I have a beautiful daughter and an herbal tea business (Luna Evergreen - check out the website: My goal is to enjoy life, be grateful, make the world a better place, and eternally progress as a human and spiritual being.
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My Interests

tea, herbs, natural health, permaculture & sustainable living, organic food, cooking, farming, botany, compassionate communication, attachment parenting, reading, consuming music, drumming, dancing, yoga, hiking, art, knitting, felting, reiki, tarot, indigo children, raising consciousness, faeries!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone walking a path to enlightenment, revoutionaries, tea lovers, tree huggers, those interested in natural health and herbs.

Sun Sign: Pisces
Sun 22° Pisces 06' Pisces Horoscope
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Moon Sign: Taurus
Moon 10° Taurus 32' Taurus Horoscope
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Rising Sign: Libra
Ascendant 15° Libra 25' Libra Horoscope
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Generally folk, gypsy, bluegrass, world, and anything that rocks my world and tries to open people's hearts and minds.


documentaries and indies, but am a closet chick flickaholic. Check out "The Secret", it's awesome! What the Bleep Do We Know, An Inconvenient Truth, Chocolat, any Brat Pack movie, the Labyrinth, the Neverending Story...


Don't have one. But do have a strong addiction to old Northern Exposure episodes.


Too many to list! But I'll try: Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel (my all-time favorite book!), Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle; Where the Wild Things Are, Planet Drum by Mickey Hart, anything about herbs or holistic health, anything on wild edibles, Touching Peace by Thich Nhat Hanh, Creating a Charmed Life by Victoria Moran, If the Buddha Dated by Charlotte Kasl, The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran, any Rumi poetry, Heal Your Body A-Z by Louise Hay, any Moosewood Cookbook, Black Elk Speaks by John Neihardt, Mothering Magazine, Utne Magazine (it rocks!)


Anyone who lives in a way that is true to their heart! Peaceful Warriors! Single Moms!!! Martin Luther King, Angela Davis, Thich Nhat Hanh, Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks, Golda Mayer, Michael Franti, Peggy O'Meara, StarHawk, Ida May Gaskin...

My Blog

Life's Instructions

Drum, DanceGive Love, Receive LoveRecognize MagicFly with the FairiesGrow with the cornBlossom with the sunflowers....
Posted by Abby on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 08:48:00 PST

Musings of a Lunatic

La Luna, my Love, Goddess, Sister.So Full, So Bright, So Sensuous,So Perfect in your imperfection.Harvest MoonFramed in backyard tree leaves.Surrounded by crickets chirping on the last Full Moon of t...
Posted by Abby on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 07:17:00 PST

Autumn's scent

As I take a step in warm, cozy boots, first day I've pulled them on,the first scent of Autumn on the breeze.overwhelms as memories flood in and around . . .First day of school, football games, dances,...
Posted by Abby on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 11:57:00 PST

Love Poem

I walk into the woodsfor my not daily enough meditation.I take a deep breath,honeysuckle, leftover rain, life.Green vibrance washes over and through me.Scale a log,shake the tree gently,and two pawpaw...
Posted by Abby on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 06:48:00 PST