Anyone in Cincinnati who believes in reclaiming our bodies and community!
We believe that all people should have full access to healthcare.
We support a full spectrum of genders and sexes, understand that recognize that there are differences between them and we oppose the binaries that resrict them.
We are against all forms of discrimination and oppression based on race, class, gender, sexuality, physical and mental ability, immigration status, imprisonment, marital status, income, size, religion, spirituality, ethnicity and age.
We believe in an individual's right and responsibility to make informed decisions about their health, including the right to refuse treatment.
We support families and all their wonderful varieties.
We support positive, consentual expressions of sexuality.
We are against sterilization, forced genital mutilation, forced hospitalization and treatment.
We are against harmful practices and policies to the environment, including animal testing and abuse.
We are against violence of all forms including sexual, emotional, mental, and physical abuse, war, and police brutality. We support an individual's rights to make choices about their own reproductive health including, the right to have children, the right to avoid pregnancy, and the right to terminate pregnancy at all stages.
We support all bodies in their many wonderful shapes, sizes, colors and abilities.
We support realistic methods of creating safer sex.
We believe in safer sex options and that they should be accessible to all.