mUsiC... suRfing d nEt... FRIENDS... rUgraTs... brAcelets... pErfuMes... pIcTurEs... ;)EaT a LoT!!! :) hahahaha!!!!
i already met him.. LyricsI'm just interested in meeting more FRIENDS..
Video code provided by kiTchiE naDaL NyOy VolaNte Nina PaoLo SanTos MYMP jOse marIe ChaN sOuthbOrder riVermaYa piDo UsHer Craig david Maroon 5 KeaNe Creed JLo fiVe foR fightiNg^you and me^ ^love moves in mysterious waYs^ ^tRuE^ ^bUloNg^ ^daRe u to moVe^ ^bLuRrY^ ^haNds dOwn^ ^iLL aLwaYs sTay diS waY in Love^ ^baBy nOw ThaT i fOunD U^ ^mY saCrifice^ ^wiTh aRms wIde opEn^ ^fALL aGain^ ^sUpermaN^ ^raiNboW^ ^fiLL me in^ ^eVeryboDy's cHanginG^
Constantine,,,tHe mUmmY 1&2,,, a waLk to remEmbEr,,, nOttiNg hIll,,, run away bRide,,,sWeEt nOvemBer,,, LOTR,,, the maSk of Zorro,,, unfaithful,,, fReaKy fRidaY,,, tItaNic,,, cAst aWay,,, Lion kiNg,,, rugratS in paRis,,, thE Land befOre time 1&2,,, mR. bEan,,, bRother bEaR,,, Tarzan!!hehehe!!! =)
"kApAmIlYa" =).. MTV... nickelodeon...
bOy meEts gIrL... tHe puRpoSe dRiVen Life... sWeEt VaLLeY... and AnaToMy maNuaL.. hehehe!!! ;)