^ * ^ sHewyL ^ * ^ profile picture

^ * ^ sHewyL ^ * ^


About Me

aBout me? youngest child talkative!!! i hate boredOme... ;) loVes the company of friends.. ( esp. those hu r rili dear to me) u know hu u aRe gUys!!! simPle yet coOL, dashing, friendly, naughty.. and simply gOrgeous!! harhar!! ;) jovial person.. makes d day fuLL of laUghter sometimes, i LacK self-confidence.. Red, Green, Yellow, Pink and Black are my favE coLors loves pasta... piZza... at lahat ng lutong may Gata.. hehe Praises God for everything assumes that everything happens for a reason I treasure all my friends and family A good daUghter at all times *wiNk* wOrtH keePing fRieNd :) sTudies hard but stiLL finds time to hang-out with friends I always carry the discipline I gained from my parents uhhm?!? mabawbaw ang Luha!!! (sa mga sad movies or stories) hehe likes comedy, horror ( though im scared!) and romantic movies loves being feel important and sPeciaL hopes that all my dreams and plans would soon come true..", im contented with what I have in Life right now.. Everyday is a haPpy LoveLy day wiTh PaoLo :)so that's just a bit of me... :) thanks for spending your time reading my profile.. :)* i also have an account in tagged and friendster* here's my email add: [email protected] add me up if u waNt to

My Interests

mUsiC... suRfing d nEt... FRIENDS... rUgraTs... brAcelets... pErfuMes... pIcTurEs... ;)EaT a LoT!!! :) hahahaha!!!!

I'd like to meet:

i already met him.. LyricsI'm just interested in meeting more FRIENDS..


Video code provided by ..com kiTchiE naDaL NyOy VolaNte Nina PaoLo SanTos MYMP jOse marIe ChaN sOuthbOrder riVermaYa piDo UsHer Craig david Maroon 5 KeaNe Creed JLo fiVe foR fightiNg^you and me^ ^love moves in mysterious waYs^ ^tRuE^ ^bUloNg^ ^daRe u to moVe^ ^bLuRrY^ ^haNds dOwn^ ^iLL aLwaYs sTay diS waY in Love^ ^baBy nOw ThaT i fOunD U^ ^mY saCrifice^ ^wiTh aRms wIde opEn^ ^fALL aGain^ ^sUpermaN^ ^raiNboW^ ^fiLL me in^ ^eVeryboDy's cHanginG^


Constantine,,,tHe mUmmY 1&2,,, a waLk to remEmbEr,,, nOttiNg hIll,,, run away bRide,,,sWeEt nOvemBer,,, LOTR,,, the maSk of Zorro,,, unfaithful,,, fReaKy fRidaY,,, tItaNic,,, cAst aWay,,, Lion kiNg,,, rugratS in paRis,,, thE Land befOre time 1&2,,, mR. bEan,,, bRother bEaR,,, Tarzan!!hehehe!!! =)


"kApAmIlYa" =).. MTV... nickelodeon...


bOy meEts gIrL... tHe puRpoSe dRiVen Life... sWeEt VaLLeY... and AnaToMy maNuaL.. hehehe!!! ;)

My Blog


  Im so glad that despite of  the hectic sched. we, the former section E Family still finds time to bond and hang-out togehter!!! we were at Enchanted kingdom last August 28 with two of o...
Posted by ^ * ^ sHewyL ^ * ^ on Mon, 05 Sep 2005 09:11:00 PST