..i gUeSs i'M sTrOnGer nOw dAn bEFoRe. a bETTer pErSon dAn wHo i wAs iN tHe pAsT. i wAnT tO bE hAPPy! i dEsErVe iT..AFTeR wHaT i'Ve bEen tHrU....iLuV My FAMILY..My FRIENDS..and tHoSe dAt wHo aRe ReALLy cLosE tO mE..i VALUE thEm sO much..and a LyF withOut them is defintely a Lyf nOt wOrth LiVin' fOr! i'M a GOD FEARING person..i'M raised that way and there is no way i'LL cHange dat! i'M only nice to those who are also nice to me..i guess dats why people thinks i'm supladita!! i'm not naman ganun..friendly din ako..and nice to be with..daw ^.^ maybe bCoz iLuV making my friends laugh even if i have problems of my own..
I edited myspace with LAYOUTSBYTHECS !