Take the quiz: "What Kinda Kiss R U?"
Romantic Kiss
Lying in bed after making love and just doing whatever....(i dun think soo..)
i'd lyk to meet anyone hu wud lyk to be friends with me...
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... breath taking
Your hugs are... to die for
Your eyes... sparkle like the stars
Your touch is... awakening my heart
Your smell is... refreshing
Your smile is... hypnotising
Your love is... everlasting
Quiz created with MemeGen !
Anything fRoM: $iMpL3 pLaN,Ju$tiN TiMbErLakË,LinKïÑ PaRk,PaPaRoAcH,NsYnC,PaRökYa nI EdGaR,RivËrMaYa,YeLLoWcArD,ChRi$TïNA aGÛiL3Ra,r00$T3R,ChRi$TïaN BaUtI$Ta,Bu$t3D,GooD ChArL0TT3,bOwLiNG fOR $oUp,A$hLE3 $iMp$0N,fEfE DoB$oN,$tAcIe ORiCo,$uM 41,AvRiL LaVïGNe,ThE ÇaLLinG,MaRooN 5,$oUtH BoRdeR,kELLY cLaRk$oÑ,BÂMBOO,$uGaR RaY,ThE KiLLeR$,ThE aLL-aMeRiCaN ReJeCt$,JaY-Z,KiTcHiE NaDaL,B2K,GrEEnDaY,$ci$$oR $i$teR$,$taTiC-X,HooBaStAnk,CiaRa,bLuE,PiNk,MooN$tAr88,pÖd, $eeTheR,cH3veLL3,ÄvRiL LaViGnE,BaD ReLiGiOn,bLiNk 182,iNcUbUs,NiRvAna,Jo$$ sToN3,Mi$$y 3LLioT,LuDaCri$,N.3.R.D.,OuTkA$t,u$h3R,
argh......uhhhmmm... dunno..? anything that contains.. comedy&romance,a lil bit of horror and suspence,a bit of action,,,, anything that is COMEDY,,,and which makes me go to the toilet every 2 mins...har har!!!
smallville,buffy the vampire slayer,angel,the ashlee simpson show,mtv whatever things,ang tanging ina,drake&josh,teen titans,that 70's show,scq reload,ok ako!anything from MTV,coz MTV totally ROCKZZZ
i dont read books,,unless i have the mood to...
WOLVERINE...I guezz so...