Mah story THE GROUP
WHAT THE FUCK! Hahaha laugh trip! this pic was taken three freakin years ago..hahah band in the making
fabEO April 4- bOgarth...."DuDe"
DeLLy September 4- Annabelle...."TsOng"
............Uhmmmm ACOY!! "ToL"
.............. JoHn AnGelO -- GeLo................ ......................EmilIo -- eO......................... .......................MiGuel -- deLLy................
foist of all did you get my headline??..uhh maybe this'll help...Marry "X"-Mas to it?? geez if you don't..crap you're slow!..."X" : it?? yeah...riiight.
"me?......em NOT 18!!! tall?!? pretty much.nyahah. i Was bOrn in Jakarta, Indonesia. cRap! i love that damn place! we lived there for 14 years. And now we moved here in PiNas! another cOo place with cOo Hot peeps. haha. I used to do "stugs" or "isoy";.. got hOoked with that crap..let me just say that again..."USED TO"..Past tense..hahah ima stop usin dOg pOop! hahaha..!!"GEL-o loves tah mess around, craves DARK CHOCOLATES...Misses his old school...GMIS..(Gandhi Memorial International School)....."i miss JAKARTA!! I miss talkin in BAHASA tOo" hahaha..HoOkei..back to the details! GEl-o sings a lil toO.....sketchin and letterin stuff (graffiti) is his past time..hmmmmm GEL-o can be pretty nIce..IF! and only IF..ya nice back at him! IF y'all think GEL-o's kind..well he is but he's aweiz hiddin su'in. oOooh hahaha..GEL-o's into trashy things. From skateboards to music and outfits. GEL-o hates it when people messes with him...or his friends. He tends to act really strange...he starts to SHUT UP!! hahahah....He's a "shy Boi" type hahaha.. he's really really QUIET! he likes to hang-out with his friends..ya know..ChillaX and stuff. when he gets Hyped!! he starts acting GoOfy.. he talks Crap..oVer and Over and ovEr and oveR again...hahhahah!!GEL-o's the youngest out of two elder sisters and an older brother...GEL-o is a member of the "GOofy..cWazy..fuNNy..CoRnY".. "4" Brodahs!!! DELLY, EO, GELO...(bad BoIs born on the same day with different months)hahahah.....!!
Paramel.. mah One and only pwincess
Gel-O lOves...pAraMel : Pam : pamela Estacio....more than anything esle in this world
oOw yeah...y'all shouldn't mess with GEL-o Or HIS GIRL!!!..cuz he's one of the "NiNjas"..and they're kickin aSS!! LoLo pEpE gon' kick yar Ass esse! haha!!GEL-o's UGLY!!! na mean?! dAimn..i aint playin with you! hahaha if i was to give GEL-o a cartoon supah hero'll be Captain MOLECULE..ahahahahah!! (y'all go and figure)..and one more thing!! GEL-o friggin hates *wannabes* that can't accept the fact that they are one!!! Asswipes!!! hahah...lehOozars!!