Aloha! I'm Joyce and I live in Eindhoven ( Eindhoven Rockcity ),The Netherlands hehe,
I did the Intermediate vocational education for Theatre techniques at the Eindhovense school, working with light, sound and scenery. In 2006 /07 I was a trainee at Parktheater Eindhoven,a theatre in Eindhoven.
This year I was a trainee at Rombouts Showequipment BV doing concerts,festivals and other things...
Now I'm officialy finished with my education,in July get i my certificate for theatre techniques.
When I have my certificate I'm beginning at Stagehands BV.
Building stages,lightshows,sound and many more....
And in the summer I beginnig with Pyrotechniques!
Very cool and great shows with Pyro and fireworks.Other things I do are , riding horses, keep busy with photography, doing bicycle holidays and working with light as light engineer at Dynamo.Contact
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