Upcoming Trail of Tears shows:
5.09.08 Wave Gothik Treffen Leipzig Germany
5.10.08 Brainwashing Festival Slovakia
8.09.08 Dokk Em Open Air Dokkum The Netherlands
8.14.08 Metal Mania Fest Komen Slovenia 14-16th date tbc
Music!!! Good food, travelling the world, summer, BBQ, beer, bourbon, partying, seeing new places and meeting new people!
Anyone with a friendly attitude or a beer to share!
Everything from pop to extreme metal! Alice in Chains, Pantera, Emperor, Dimmu Borgir, Edge of Sanity, Limbonic Art, WASP, Rammstein, Testament, Samael, Moonspell, Soilwork, Leonard Cohen, A-Ha (probably my all-time favourite band), Aphex Twin, Future Sound of London.Some of my favourite singers: Layne Staley, Philip Anselmo, Leonard Cohen, Morten Harket, Dan Swanø, Sivert Høyem, Mike Patton, Marco Hietala, Lisa Gerrard, Dana Fuchs. Remember people: it is about feeling and personality, not technique!
The House of the Spirits, Gladiator, Dances with Wolves, The Godfather (yes I love mafia movies and so should you!), Monster, Blow, Interview with the Vampire, Bram Stokers Dracula and many more. Blame my decadent nature:)
The news, 60 minutes, 24, lots of music shows and videos...
Brett Easton Ellis is the man! Read everything! American Psycho is unreal. I wish that I had more time to read but somehow the days just pass...
Heroes are for people who are too afraid to believe in themselves!