the perfect work-life-balance
fools & horses
nu country, experimetal, eastern soul, dancecore, grindfolk, rock'n'doll, deathpop, drum'n'waste, emojazz, proglog, sportcore, acid blues, eurogrunge, squeazy listening, softfunk, long drink, krautsuck, indiesonics, auto garage, low school, old wave, gothmowl, synthrap, anymetal, classiccore, postfunk, antipunk, glamdance, speedblues, squarecore, doomdance, n.y. barcode, southern juice, oi! skunk, vocalthrash, intrustial, blackblues, bombaycore, riotpop, cyclebilly, sickbeat, breakeat, sithop, deepdance, discore, electric doggy music, tranceenhance, bepop, avantart, latincore, dixiesand, blueguess, surfcore, teen metal, gangstapop, c-funk, mowltown, locksteady & sambacore.
home recording kills kaulquappen
tv on the radio
girlfriend in a coma - douglas coupland
Captain Future, Calvin & Hobbes, Robocop