I am Bebien. I am fascinated by variety, changes of situations, events and movement. My basic equipments are quick retorts and clever tongue. I have the ability to land on my feet in any type of situation, and to learn from it. I am slow in making a romantic relationship but once I did, generally it is enduring and lifelong. I love to entertain people. I am creative and I have a gut-level . I also have the ability to make others enthusiastic to stimulate people. I enjoy elegance in every phase of my lifestyle. My intellect is like a strong ray, analyzing, criticizing, researching and investigating minute details. I am ardent, swift to fulfill physical needs, impulsive, idealistic, passionate and fiery in romance. My intellect is keen and razor-edged. I have a strange aura of occult ability. I have so many irons in the fire that I too can be emotionally fired up. I am charming, nurturing, sympathetic, and fun to be with. I am a natural healer, dealing with emotional problems with great success. I signify new beginnings. My mentality is quick, direct, active and organized. While taking my time in making decisions, no one else can change my mind. I am naughty but clever. I take every opportunity to showoff my abilities. I am also outspoken and high profile. I sometimes do not trust anyone but I am ready to give advice and support others. I am frank. I am eager to find out the truth. I am faithful, ready to serve others and that is why I can gain respect from others. I am Fair but materialistic. I am brave, thoughtful, polite, considerate and ready to help. I am reliable thus make friends from different areas. I am emotional and opportunistic. I always care for my lover. I am ready to face challenges. Whenever there is difficulty, I always try my best to work it out. I also have a positive attitude towards my work and cares about my family. I enjoy success but I refrain from being too self-centered. I will do everything to make my dreams come true. I am equipped with exceptional judgment and conscientious. I am always well groomed. I am optimistic and a good leader. I am kind hearted and liked by others. I always work in my own ways and I seldom accept the opinion of others. I am good in managing moneys. I am much stronger than I look. iSa ak0ng xiEntiAn ~ b0rn aGain bAptiSt p0 ak0 ~ i l0ve dNcinG and siNginG ~ cErtiFied aDdiCted in iNteRnet ~ mAy pgKa-t0mb0y ~ evErytHinG bSta BLUE pErfEct kHit diLa nG bAkA bSta BLUE kA2inin k0 !!! ~ hApPy g0 luCky ~ sUPp0rtiVe ~ fRieNdly ~ iMprs0nat0r ~ sAbog ~ bAnGag ~ kaLog ~ pRanGka ~ cAriNg ~ swEet ~ crEatiVe ~ mGaling ak0 gmaWa ng mGa sCripTs and scenes sa isang pLay ~ mLiniS sA sRiLi ~ kiNd ~ uNdeRstaNdiNg ~ hElpfuL ~ maY sEnSe oF hum0r ~ wAr frEak ~ mE? d naLu2ngk0t and nGa2Lit ~ r0mAntiC ~ hUmbLe ~ mBiLis mnGigiL sa 1 ta0 eNiweiz taMad nGa pLa ak0 ~ mhiLig nGa pLa mE mGkrip0k ~ GOD- feArinG ~ maHiliG sa j0ke ...bunGisnGis, taWa ng taWa ~ siMpLe lnG p0 mE ~ mKuLit ~ mSayaHin ~ p0sitiVe tHinKer ~ tRuStw0rtHy ~ d pLaStiC ~ cHeErfuL giVer ~ tHriFty ~ l0vaBLe ~ l0yaL ~ rEsp0nSiBLe? ~ th0uGhtfuL ~ h0n0r stUdeNt ~ mGaLing dUmiSkRte ~ sMpLe pm0rma pr0 aStigiN!!! faShi0niSta ~ mHiLig sA pAntaLon ~ mDaLi hNapiN ~ i luV wHitE r0seS... mKapaL ang faCe k0 ~ pag nagmahal ako wala lang papatay lang naman ak0 para sa kanya...!!! ~ c0nciouS mE in eVerYtHinG!?! ~ mHiLig gUmiMik ~ mSarap kSamA ~ mGaLing mGbiGay nG aDviCe... ~ sUavE ~ cUte ~ diS is reaLLy is it!!!
[email protected]... e-mAiL lnG kaU!!! ak0??? yaKanG- yAka Lhat ng pRbLem... nGa pLa gLit ak0 sA kAntnG "s2piD luv" iNiS na iNiS ak0!!! wHy??? c0z GOD iS LOVE anD aBovE aLL, hE iS n0t s2piD !!! ak0 unG ta0ng WAN2SAWA sA bHay!!! anD luV k0 c GOD tLaGa!!! i dEclaRe hiM aS my EVERYTHING!!!