Aissata profile picture


Spread Love!

About Me

Hailing from the beautiful African Island of São Tomé and Principe, Aissata is the epitomy of the self-taught artist. Her work, born out of her for love of Africa,
her respect for life and her pride in being not only a woman, but an African woman, is a true reflection of the fiery passions that lie within her soul. Her artistic
journey is one of dedication and hard work, with a deep yearning to express herself and spread love.

Aissata's work is a pure and authentic celebration of women, and of the beauty of womanhood as a whole. At the core of her art are indeed these women which
she brings to life in a wonderful world of vibrant colors painted on large-scale canvases that reveal women that are strong, tall, beautiful and confident... and an
intrinsic part of their creator

Well-traveled, fluent in five languages, a free-spirit, an artist with a purpose and a message of love, former model Aissata currently lives and works in
Brooklyn, New York.

My Mission

I want to Spread Love all around the world through my art that's meant to awaken your senses, make you happy and feel empowered...

SPREAD LOVE by AissataFirst Steps

I began working on my characters a few years ago right after moving to New York from Paris. One day was laying in my bed staring at my linen curtains with
African embroideries, when I thought I saw the shape of a body (just like when you stare at a cloud for a minute, and you see something that no one else does).
From that day on I literally fell in love with my new found characters and have almost obsessively.

My women come in many different shapes and colors... just like in real life. Skinny, curvy, short,tall, dark, light they are saying This is who I am. Accept me
the way I am!
Being a woman is a great privilege even though it's not always easy since we live in a man's world.
Men might rule the world, but they can only rule a woman's mind if she allows them to do so. No woman should give any man the power to decide
whether she is beautiful or not. What do they know about real beauty anyway ?
Being beautiful is not about the way you look, but how much you love yourself and how you project that love onto others...that, in my opinion is being a truly
beautiful woman

Acrilyc Paintings

This is the part of my work that brings me the most excitement: painting on large canvasses.
As my need to express myself with a greater immersion into art became undeniable, I felt the need to paint.This the most challenging part of my journey as an
artist because of the long months I spend on each piece, but by far the most fulfilling.
At the core of my paintings are indeed my female characters which I bring to life in a wonderful world of vibrant colors painted on large-scale canvases that reveal
women that are strong, tall, beautiful and confident… and an intrinsic part of myself

1-"Family in Colors" 2- "Cindy, Bibi and Beyonce"
1-"Africa, Present and Future" 2- "Unity"
1-"I Love You" 2- "My Sweet Darling" 3-Passion

My Illustrations

"Party" Illustrations...
1-"Move Baby" 2- "Chocolat Et Lait" 3-"Italee Is On Fire
"Love" Illustrations
1- "My Woman", 2- "Cubanos", 3- "Man To Man"
"Women Rule" Illustrations
1-"Orange Women", Unite!", 2-"Women Of The World, Unite!", 3" Curvy Women"

Slideshow: "The Fight!"

This is scene with 4 women having a physical fight while other women witness in total shock this pathetic and shameful situation.

The Fight!

Get Your Own! | View Slideshow "The Fight!" by Aissata

T-Shirts by Aissata

Aissata offers you a sumptuous and enticing line of witty and colorful T-Shirts for the independent woman. The line is both sensual and sassy with a good pinch of humor thrown in. The exuberant illustrations celebrate feminity in a confident and playful way. The collections are like wearable art, the t-shirts are of highest quality. Sizes available : S,M,L and XL.

My T-Shirts are available on Aissata's Store

Click on image to go my store

Very cool hoods with Swarovsky crystals !!!

Click on the images below and purchase my T-Shirts and Mousepads.

Hooded Long Sleeved T-Shirts With Swarovski Crystals Brand New!!! T-Shirts for Men
click on image to go to Aissata's store Canvas Prints

If you wish to purchase any of the featured artwork, choose the size you like, send me a message. You can pay using Paypal or send me a money order. You shall receive the print within 10 days (for USA).Shipping not included in the above prices. I ship anywhere in the world

The illustrations are absolutely stricking when printed on canvas. I personally live for large prints because my characters literally come alive and you can almost feel their electrifying passion. The print quality is excellent and the colors extra vibrant

Click on images to enlarge

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Thank you for your visit. Come back very soon!

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MySpace Backgrounds

My Interests

Welcome To Aissata's World on Myspace !

Meet my female characters featured on my Paintings, illustrations, Cartoons and t-Shirts.

Aissata's Female-Empowering Cartoons

The body is the universal language here, no captions are necessary... no matter what your language is, you will be to relate to my short stories.
I like fair endings, so the underdog usually wins at the end ...


This story is about so-called "friends" trying to make a gorgeous woman feel bad because of her generous curves...
These girls are in for a shocking revelation!

"A Love Story"...He sees her, he is smitten, she is not...or is she?

"Size Doesn't Matter"

This story is about a woman who doesn't date "small" men.She's in for a big surprise! Never judge a book by it's cover, you never know!

"From War To Love"

The World is desperately in need of love and peace. This story is about love saving us from disaster!

"A Perfect Match"
Everyone meets it's match one day...

I'd like to meet:

Artists/Animators/ Cartoonists/ Musicians/ Designers/ Photographers/Agents/Investors/Business Managers/ World Travelers /Decent Human Beings


Music I love music. Any genre.I listen to Rock, R&;B,Rap Jazz, Brazilian Music, Indian and Arabic music, Classical music and anything that sounds good ;-)


Favorite Films "Young Frankenstein" "Four Rooms" "Les Visteurs" "Rue Case Negre" "Tsotsi" "Amadeus" "Being Julia" My favorite funny man: French actor Louis de Funes


Television "Absolutely Fabulous" "Curb Your Enthusiasm" "Lost" "The Oprah Show"



"Perfume", "The Celestine Prophecy", "Angels and Demons", "A New Earth",

Favorite Artists
Romero Britto, Ousmane Sow, Keith Haring


My Heroes

My father the most incredible, open minded and tolerant being I have ever met and my amazing mother,(R.I.P) the most beautiful, tolerant, uncomplicated person ever.She was class and dignity. I love and respect my lovely parents more than anybody in the World. They are greatly responsible for the person I am today. Thank you Mammy And Daddy!

and also Nelson Mandela, Ghandi, Angela Davis...and anybody who fights against injustice

My Country

I'm originally from the Islands of Sao Tome and Principe off the west coast of Africa.

Click on link to see a map of my country

I Love to travel . I've been to 42 countries , 17% of the countries in the world.

Everything interests me. My motto is: keep the child in you alive at all times. Be flexible and open to everything , don't be afraid to change your ways of thinking, you are on this earth to learn and teach...

Spread Love T-Shirt

Click T-Shirt to go to my store..

Spread Love!

There is more art on the right side of the page...

My Blog

5 Questions to Aissata

Here is an interview i gave to a art website( answer 5 questions about my work. You can view it at1) In English:
Posted by Aissata on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 12:09:00 PST

Africa, Present and Future (painting)

"Africa, Present and Future"by Aissata -Acrylic on canvas (72in x 48in )(1,83cm x 1,22cm)I love playing around with colors to convey a message. On this one the colors I used Red, Yellow ,Green. and B...
Posted by Aissata on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 02:22:00 PST

New Painting,

"Les Trois soeurs "(Three sisters) Acrylic on Canvas72in x 48in The original design was a 8,5in X 11in I did on my computer .This was originally a design for a T-Shirt. It was quite frustrating becau...
Posted by Aissata on Thu, 24 May 2007 05:02:00 PST

My first giant Acrylic paint

I'm in heaven right now,I'm finally doing what I have been dreaming about for the longest time( 72in X 60In) or ( 1m82 X 1m).I started as a graphic artist but I always wanted to paint huge canvasses,...
Posted by Aissata on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 10:07:00 PST

My Mousepads on Ebay

Here are some of my mousepads..Click on the image to go to ebay. If you're no an Ebay member go to my Online store on image to go to Ebay...
Posted by Aissata on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 07:12:00 PST

Animators Wanted

I've been writing a series of short stories, just like my comic strips, with the hope to turn them into an animation series, with short stories.Even tough I do know a few tricks with flash, I would de...
Posted by Aissata on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 03:23:00 PST

I need help for an Interview

I was approached by a documentary maker who wants to do a short film about my art and myself.He has asked me to come up with questions that I would like to be asked for an Interview. I thought that m...
Posted by Aissata on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 07:56:00 PST

Lost in Africa...

This is one of my favorite pictures. It was taken in 1976 in Luanda Angola . This was most probably one of the hundreds of meetings that were taken place in that country after the liberation from the...
Posted by Aissata on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 06:29:00 PST


I've been having a huge problem with the free image hosting company, . Ever since I posted my newest comic strip, "Size doesn't matter", they have blocked the image twice for being "of...
Posted by Aissata on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 11:11:00 PST