i LovE gOing tO thE maLL i LovE gOing tO thE beAch anD swiMming i LovE LiSteNing tO muSic.. [LovE sOngS, aLtErnaTivE] i LovE suRfiNg thE neT! i LovE makiNg pOemS! i LovE sinGing fOr my fRienDs.. LOL i LovE chaTting!! i LovE teXting.... LOL i LovE making nEw fRienDs LOL
i'D wanT tO meEt yOu! :P i'D wanT tO meEt yOu! :P
i LovE aCouStiC sOngS, i LovE sLow sOngs, i LovE aLtERnatiVe sonGs,i LovE reGgaE sOngS.. weLL i ALMOST LovE aLL kinds of muSic :P i LovE the sOngs by spOnge coLa, urbAndub, suBurbiA, juniOr kiLat, mymp, anD many more... anD aLso the baNd oF TNS ahAhaAah SEVENTH STRING? :P hmM.. thEy dOn't haVe a bAnd namE yeT.. buT we juSt LovE thEm anD thEir sOngs.. :P wiTh pwEe aS thEir LeAD singEr [hiS voiCe sOunDs Like thaT of thE LEAD singEr, aLex bAnd.. ahAahAah anD briAn on baCk up voCaLs.. hiS voiCe on thE otheR hAnd sOunds LikE thaT of BRANDON BOYD.. nO kiDding ;p hE's aLsO on LeaD guiTar... pLuS thEy haVe ninO -- baSs guitAr [hE's reaLly gOod aT iT! :D] anD LLoyD... hMm.. hE's thE sO caLLeD "kAskAsEro"... hE givEs thE rythM...hE's cuTe! :D ahAahaah thaT's preTty muCh it! :P
L.O.T.R.,harry potter, the last samurai, the league of extraordinary men
harry potter