® BaBy_MoH® profile picture

® BaBy_MoH®

ThiNg DaT WiL TrUiMpH EviL,iS GuD DoiN NoThiN

About Me

MaE ThE MoOdY CrAzY cOmPLiCaTeD KuLiT SpOiLeD RoTtEn BraT AddIcTeD To The NeT BuT PreTtY InTeLLiGeNt ChiNiTa JeRk DrOp DeAd TaLL FoOLisH SweEtY ChEeZy RoMaNtIc NoNsEnsE PoEtIc AbNoRmaL SnOobiSh HaPpy Go LucKy ChIcK BaSed HeRe In MaDrId BuT A PrOuD PiNay! MaH FriEnDs CaLL Me MaE Or GaRetH FroM MaRgAreTte,HaTe MaH NaMe! iM a HoPeLeSs PoEt,cOmPoSe WhEn iM iNsPiReD(iM aLwaYs InSpiRed) I DonT CaRE wHo YoU aRe As LoNg As YoU dOnT giVe a DaMn WhO ThE HeLL i aM! I Can Be tHe CraZieSt GiRl In ThE WoRLd EvEn The NicEst OnE But BeWaRe,i BiTe! i Am An AngeLiC VaMpiRE (dUh!!!nEEd To DrinK bLoOd) SuM FucKinG BitCh BeLiS ThaT Im laLakeRo,BuT BeLiV It Or nOt Im a OnE Man wOmAn, So StOp PiSsiNg Me oFf CoZ U SucK(u Know WhO U Are) ThiS sOnG fRom AvRiL RemInDs Me Of My LiFe InAdeQuaTE QuEEr,i Am A HugE LinKin PaRk aNd AvRiL FaN, PaUl ArTadi'S My uLtiMaTe CruSh, CoZ I LoVe AtEnEo BLue EaGlEs AnD U.E. I pLaY BaSkEtBaLL, BaDmiNtOn aNd ChEsS,i WaS in The VaRsItY,wAtEr GiRl (JOKE) i CaN Be YoUr BesTfrIeNd But CaN tOo Be ThE bEst ActReSs In FrOnT of Yah, i HaTe PoSeRS, COPY CATS! I Am ThE OriGiNaL LaDy_iCe aNd SpOiLed_bRaT sO StOp StEaLiNg My A.K.A's Or eLsE, Not A tHrEaT BuT a WarNiNg, My FaVe LinE dOnt Ever ChaNge Coz I WonT,cOz i REaLLy WonT, GeT tO KnoW Me deePer,bUt Not Too MucH U MIgHt See MaH NaKeD sOuL...PiSs OuT!

My Interests

BaBy MaE BaBy MaE BaBy MaE BaBy MaE UmMmMmMmmMm i HaVe SpLiT PeRsOnaLiTy, ThE OnE SiDe oF Me LoVeS MaKiN FrieNdS,ThE OtHeR OnE iS ThE ShY TaLk-To-mE-iF-YaH-WaNt-To GurL. BaLLgAmEs ReaLLy InTeResTs Me LiKe BaSkEtbaLL, FooTbaLL, aNd TeNNis, LovE WatChiN DvD's, ReAdiN NoVeLs, SuRfiN tHe NeT,Juz HaVin FuN wIddAh MaH FreNdS...NaHHhhhh WaNa TeLL YaH MoRe BuT iT's Up tO YaH To KnoW Me BetTeR,DeePeR aNddaH cLosEr...
Congrats! Your a Pure Angel! Angels, as far as most
of them go, are all compatabile creatures, but
Pure ones simply are symbols of God. Pure
Angels always appear when a child is born, when
a rainbow is seen, or when someone shares their
first kiss. They never grow old, an can appear
in the shape of a naked woman with white, bold
wings. Pure angels are the carriers of god, and
show their love to everyone in the world.

What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla

I'd like to meet:

CoUrAgE iSnT d AbSeNcE Of FeaR, it'S D PrEsEnCe oF FeaR BuT d WiL To gO On...TaKe CarE...FriEnDs AnD MaH oLd H.S. BaTcHmAtEs,WuD LiKe To MeeT DaViD BeCkHaM, IkER CaSiLLaS aNd PaUL ArTaDi _________________________________________________111________ ___77777777777_____________1111__________________7777_______ _____11111_________________7777_______________111___________ _____7777________________111_______________7777_____________ ____111______________7777________________1111111___________7 777________________________________________________


smallville, allc mcbeal, sex and the city, dawson's creek, el diario de patricia, fushigi yuugi, ghost fighter, sailor moon, discovery channel, MTV punk'd, MTV dismissed, MTV, fox kids, disney channel, discovery channel:travel and adventure


doomsday conspiracy,master of the game sidney sheldon, harry potter -jk rowling, dating game, danille steel, bourne identity robert ludlum, a walk to remember nicholas sparks, e.t.anonymous-- Copied from MySpace.com -- Find me on MySpace and be my friend!


MaH uLtiMaTe CruSh!
TaZmAniAn DeviL RoCkS!

My Blog

is she cheating on you?women could be better in cheating than men,clues!

the gender gap is closing when it comes to cheating.hard as it may be on your egos,boys most studies report women being unfaithful almost as much as men.And the news gets worse.there's even enough res...
Posted by ® BaBy_MoH® on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST