Anything and everything.
I like Jazz, Rock, Funk Soul, some Hip Hop and Country, too, but I'll just list the Classical (El Primer en mi Corazón) for Now: B Sergei, Mitya, and Aram The Original Bach Johannes Maurice and Igor Jean the Moody Finn Anton Gustav and Berg and Schoenberg
I like Black and White film noir movies. I got hooked on flim noir when I was in my teens. These films explore dark subjects where the characters involved aren't necessarily heroes. I find them to be very true to life. As well, the directing is stylish and original while the lighting creates an atmosphere of tension and creepy suspense. The camera is also used very uniquely to tell a story. I suppose the contrast of real/graphic subject matter with an artistic approach is what makes me like it. Great film noir includes:Five Favorite Directors: Orson Federico Marty Ingmar John and whoever directed Bigbird Goes to Paris
Extras on HBO. Hope they make another season.
The Bible is a good start. After that: Flannery Ernie Scotti Fedya Graham Alexey John Willie Jack Leo Kolya Charlie Catallus Horace Edgar Emy Anna
Whoever has converted to Catholicism. Like..... John Dryden, John Henry Cardinal Newman, Gerard Manley Hopkins, G.K. Chesterton, Wallace Stevens (the deathbed kind, but it still counts!), Graham Greene, Italo Svevo, etc., etc., etc.