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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Je suis la nation de moi-même. Le corps emmitouflé dans l’odeur de ton souvenir, la muse vampire de mes craintes inasouvies. Je te cherche dans les rochers d’images sans terre. Je te cherche dans les enfilochages de tablettes à la tiédure de ton visage. Je suis la nation de moi-même! Ma cervelle tyranique plonge ta chair dans les griffes de mon anti-quiétude. Les murs se referment, je suis...
Extrait de Gauvreau, une pièce encore en chantier.
Ce sera mon humble voeu de merci au poète malaimé du Québec. Dans sa folie exploréenne, il n'a que trop voulu rendre hommage à ses sources d'inspiration. Sa muse, morte trop jeune, et son mentor.
After a solid twelve plays in English, I will now only write stage plays in French. I keep Byron's tongue for novels
Here's an excerpt from what's coming next, once Sophron is completed.
He looked at the flames and felt that the flames looked back. Skies of formless tomorrows attracted his sight with gleams that bore no meaning. They were simply there, as space was in motion, life in evolution. And Pyramus was in grief, his pain beyond flesh, as real as suffering for eons over scions. The stars were simply there, as the tears, unlike any, ever, any other man had shed in prior times. The stars and the tears were simply burning, more than the fire that consumed the figs, bones and skin.
Lovers of Lethe, based on a play I wrote, two years ago, about soulmates incarnated in the bodies of mortal enemies.
Chronicles of Sophron: Void. Completed... Next project, Lovers of Lethe, to begin in February.
Plus que douze scènes avant de terminer un premier jet de Gauvreau.

My Interests

Writing, expressing myself. I like to read poetry more than I do writing it. When words take a life of their own, and when they mingle with your thoughts as they find an embodiement within your speech is the best tribute to existence I can think of.

J'ai toujours écris, mais jamais vraiment cherché à être publié. Je me sens comme un Thoreau qui retrouve son équilibre non pas dans la folie adulatrice, mais simplement dans la beauté de l'être à sa plus humble expression.

I'd like to meet:

MySpace est, pour moi, une fenêtre à l'extérieur de mon monastère virtuel. Je ne tiens pas à y faire quelque rencontre que ce soit, malgré que certains amis et amies, ici, se retrouvent dans mon réel quotidien. Je tiens surtout à blogguer et laisser des commentaires, parfois, à qui veut bien les lire. Puisque je commence à avoir quelques visiteurs francophones, je vais, éventuellement, briser la glace et blogguer dans ma langue maternelle. Toronto, il faut croire, n'a pas qu'éveillé ma gnose, elle lui a donné une voix bien anglaise.

I have been on MySpace for three solid years and I have met, through the forums, people who earned my sincere admiration. Humility is better tasted when you encounter those rare gems of intellect that remind you of the long road that awaits, and will always stretch at the farthest horizons of neverendings.


I listen to absolutely everything. I recently destroyed the last few taboos I had over more pop genres, and I even gave my ears the training to appreciate genres otherwise deemed as tacky. Beauty shouldn't be reserved to a specific matter in taste, but it should be appreciated within the context of its being beauteous.

J'écoute tout simplement de tout. Bien entendu, il y aura toujours ces quelques trouvailles qui me laisseront sans voix, comme quoi la beauté, existant par elle même, ne va pas nécéssairement plaire à tous et en toutes circonstances. Mais j'ai décidé de ne pas me borner à certains genre musicaux en particulier.


Pour les films, j'aime aussi de tout, mais il y a une certaine profondeur dans l'écriture qui risque de plutôt me plaîre. Même si je n'évaluerais pas le genre dit d'auteur du même oeil que je critiquerais un film à profit, il y aura toujours place, dans chaque catéorie, au j'aime ou bien je n'aime pas.

I guess I would go with Bertolt Brecht in his views on how to critic a story. If I can relate enough without being alienized too much, then I can start asking myself how the relation put its spell on me.


Je ne regarde que très peu la télévision. En fait, je dois parfois me souvenir qu'elle existe avant de m'asseoir devant le petit écran.

I rarely watch television, and I don't think it would hurt me not to have one. Internet, however, I couldn't be in bliss without it.


I read more non-fiction than I read fiction. Some authors did influence me, and people who are familliar with Zelazny might see the parallels with Amber. Though whereas Zelasny's mythology starts with Void giving birth to Chaos, my mythology starts with Reality being a mere reflection of Void. The creatures that inhabit my fantasy are, themselves, reflections of four primeval Entities. More as I decide to blog on it, once Sophron is completed.

Je lis plus d'essais que de romans. Il semble que ma soif d'apprendre surclasse ma soif de m'imbiber de l'imaginaire d'autres auteurs. Je me reprends dans les films, la poésie et les pièces de théâtres.


Li Bai, Lamartine, Baudelaire, Williams Blake, Shakespeare, Moliere, Ionesco, Catulles Mendes, Massenet, Mozart, Bach, Dvorak, Valentinus, Grieg, Rimbaud, Darwish, Rumi...

My Blog


Stopping by to do the groceries and I ran into an old LARP friend, back when it was among my hobbies to pretend to be a vampire with other role playing geeks. Quick chat, he's pretty much too busy to ...
Posted by Martin on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 04:08:00 PST

A monks job

I wrote the pitch letter I will send to various agencies, I dated it for October 17th. Meanwhile, I go through my book one phrase at a time, checking my punctuation but also to make sure each phrase i...
Posted by Martin on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 10:30:00 PST

END...... DONE!

Novel is completed (for now).
Posted by Martin on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 07:23:00 PST

Stay tuned

My alt's page will soon become Sophron's MySpace page. Every bit of news on the post-creation stage of the novel will be advertised there. I have other tricks up my sleeve, and my new bet is to have t...
Posted by Martin on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 05:41:00 PST

aaah, man...

    I can stretch the epilogue a bit before its gets redundent... I know there is one segment I will have to scratch and rewrite, and I can add a few elements here and there, but I doub...
Posted by Martin on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 04:40:00 PST

I wonder...

    I have this one CD which is a humble collection of ancient Greek music, mostly based on a humble few surviving papyrus that carried a form of music writing that may have been as har...
Posted by Martin on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 07:11:00 PST

I’m a fucking MTV poet

8 pages into the battle scene. I organized it as it should have been, only to realize that I would better gain at convincing my friends to play with my board games, cuz they don't inspire me much. Eve...
Posted by Martin on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 07:26:00 PST

The joy of having two jobs but only one that pays the bills...

I didn't write this week. either I wasn't inspired or didn't have enough material to push the story through or, like yesterday, I attended a show. It was my employer's way of thanking its employees, s...
Posted by Martin on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 07:33:00 PST


    The batlle scene was to be the most painful segment to write. I know exactly what will happen and how I will write it. I have rewritten every chapter that are to follow it, and take...
Posted by Martin on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 07:04:00 PST

Rush Hour

   We've talked about watching the third installement ever since the movie came out. Two co-workers of mine, around my age (30 and 26) have had several nights out after work and we've be had...
Posted by Martin on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 07:10:00 PST