If i dont know you* im not going to fucking add you. If you are in a band ive never heard of, im not going to fucking add you. I do not like jesus, country music fans, cats, mormons, children, sorority girls or animals (unless the latter 2 are slathered in barbecue sauce). If you have any variation of "fuck books" in your profile, i will add you, if only so that i might try to find out where you live. Once I've done that, you will be set on fire. Any attempts to add me by the preceding, will be met with hostility. You have been warned.
If i have denied you once, sending another request, or dog forbid 5 more requests, will be met with hostility. I dont give a flying fuck if you "think" (i use that term loosely) I will like your band. If I'm interested in your band, I will add you, not vice versa. My soundcard is currently broken, so if Ive never heard you, odds are, I'm not going to. Sending an assload of requests will insure that i never give you or your band the time of day ever, no matter how potentially enjoyable your music could possibly be. I do not suffer the existance of retards**
* exceptions will be made for those who message me first, and have a legitimately interesting reason for wanting to add me, be it a mutual acquantainship or a desire to show me your titties
** and by retards i dont mean the mentally handicapped. i mean people who are too self absorbed, and too ignorant to pay attention to the world around them. i refer to the fucking sheep who watch american idol, instead of the news. oh, who the fuck am i kidding, watch the news, you'll get to learn who advanced on american idol.